15 german stereotypes

German Unification

  • Napoleon Invades German Lands

    Napoleon Invades German Lands
    As part of the Napoleonic Wars, Napoleon invaded germany in 1810. Germany had difficult conditions, so this was difficult.
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    Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was a conference of ambassadors of European states. The objective of the Congress was to settle the issues coming from the French Revolutionary Wars, and the Napoleonic Wars.
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    Economic Development

    Real incomes in the east have now reached the western level, and investment per capita has been much higher than in the west. Jobs grew and germany was gaining power. This economic grown was under Otto von Bismarck.
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    The House of Krupp

    The house of Krupp was a national institution in the Germany. Alfred Krupp was a developer and inventer at the time, and a prominent one at that. The German Army and Navy bought twenty-nine thousand Krupp guns.
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    Prussia was the prime force behind the creation of the Zollverien. The Zonverein included about 425,000 square kilometers and had made economic agreements with many non-German states, like Sweden and Norway.
  • Frederick William IV offered the throne

    Frederick William IV offered the throne
    Frederick William IV was offered the throne in 1849 and crucially declined it. He was the king of Prussia from 1840 (his fathers death) until 1861.
  • William I becomes Emperor

    William I becomes Emperor
    the King of Prussia and the first German Emperor. He was very anti-socialist.
  • Blood and Iron Speech

    Blood and Iron Speech
    This speech told everyone that Germany needed to be a unified country. Bismark wanted everyone to know that someone should be given power by what they do and not what they say they will do.
  • bismarck declares war on austria

    bismarck declares war on austria
    Bismarck manipulated events into the most beneficial solution possible for Prussia. The "Iron Chancellor" had thought to have a master plan resulting in this war.
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    Constituation Drafted by Bismarck

    Otto von Bismarck, the Prussian minister-president wrote the constitustion. North German liberals had their influence within it. It represented the governments of the North German states.
  • bismarck declares war on denmark

    bismarck declares war on denmark
    Bismark declared war on denmarck as part of a master plan. He carefully edited the king's words to create the impression that King Wilhelm had traded diplomatic insults.
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    Franco-Prussain War

    A war against France was necessary to unite tnorth Germany and the independent southern Germany, while France was preoccupied by the emergence of a powerful Prussia.
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    The Second Reich

    The term reich comes from the German word meaning realm, kingdom, or empire. The German Reich had three parts. the monarchy, the semi-presidential democracy and the the totalitarian Nazi dictatorship.
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    Population Growth

    Through this time, due to german unification the population grew immensly. This is due to the incline in economic growth. Also, the population grew because of economic power.
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    Kulturekamf mean "culture struggle in English. Kulturekamf refers to German policies in relation to reducing the role and power of the Roman Catholic Church in Prussia.
  • Otto von Bismarcks Birth

    Otto von Bismarcks Birth
    Bismarck was born in Schönhausen. He was the son of a Prussian military officer and the well-educated daughter of a senior government official in Berlin.
  • Campaign againsed the socialists

    Campaign againsed the socialists
    Bismarck worried about the growth of the socialist movement in the Democratic Party. Socialist organizations and meetings were forbidden, as was the circulation of socialist literature.
  • William II becomes kaiser

    William II becomes kaiser
    William I, under the guidance of Bismarck, had created a new and powerful German nation. This resulted in him becoming kaiser.
  • bismarck resigns

    bismarck resigns
    After a dispute with Kaiser Wilhelm II, Otto von Bismarck resigned.