
George Washington to John Tyler

  • Period: to

    Birth dates of the first ten Presidents

  • George Washington is born

    George Washington is born
    George Washington is the first U.S. President.
  • John Admas is born.

    John Admas is born.
    John Adams is the second U.S. President.
  • Thomas Jefferson is born.

    Thomas Jefferson is born.
    Thomas Jefferson is the third U.S. President and was nicknamed Long Tom.
  • James Madison is born.

    James Madison is born.
    James Madison is the fourth President of the U.S. and was nicknamed the Father of the Constitution.
  • James Monroe is born.

    James Monroe is born.
    James Monroe was the fifth President of the U.S.
  • Andrew Jackson is born.

    Andrew Jackson is born.
    Andrew Jackson was the seventh President and was know as the peoples President.
  • John Quincy Adams is born.

    John Quincy Adams is born.
    John Quincy Adams was the sisth President of the U.S.
  • William Henry Harrsion is born.

    William Henry Harrsion is born.
    William Henry Harrsion was the ninth President of the U.S. and was the first President to die in office.
  • Martin Van Buren is born.

    Martin Van Buren is born.
    Martin Van Buren was the eigth President of the U.S.
  • John Tyler is born.

    John Tyler is born.
    John Tyler was the tenth President of the U.S. and became President because of the death of his predecessor.