Genome Project

By Mykeel
  • Completed

    The Genome Project was completed
  • Y Choromosome

    shows the Y chormosome appears to exchange genes between to copies of repeated sequences that lie near eachother as mirror images
  • Uncovers a feature

    sciencetist led my Washington University School of Medicine uncovers structural features that promote genetic changes that can casue diseases.
  • Honey Bee Genome

    The Honey Bee Genome sequence has been depostited into freee public databases
  • Type 2

    Human genome project insitute finds variants in a gene that may predispose people to type 2 diabetaes
  • Discovered something else

    National Human Genome Research institute scienctists and an interdisciplinary researchers from 11 universities and instituions discover a possible inherited compontent for lung cancer
  • X Chromosomes

    The National Institutes of health hails the first comprehensive analysis of the sequence of the human X chormosomes
  • DNA

    The first comprehensive comparision of the genetic blueprints of humans and chimpanzees shows our closest living relatives share prefect identity with 96 percent od DNA seqence
  • Sceening approach

    The national intitutes of health chemical genomics center developed a new screening approach that can profile compounds in large chemical libraries more accurtely and precisely than standard methods
  • Three cancers

    The National Institute of Cancer has annouced the first three cancers
    - Lung
    - Brain
    - Overain
  • Healthcare Branch

    The National Genome Research Institute establishes Genomic Healthcare Branch
  • Uncovers a critical gene

    an international team of scientists announces that its a systematic effort to map the genomic chnages underlying lung cancer has uncovered a critical gene alteration
  • 100 Genomes Project

    international research consortium annouces the 100 Genomes Project, its a ambitious effort that will involve sequencing the genomes of atleast a thousand people from around the world
  • organizationa around the world

    Research organizations from around the world announce they are launching the international cancer Genomices and health disparities
  • found a new way

    a team has found a new way of detecting functional regions in the human genome
  • identified a gene

    National Institutes of health researchers have identified a gene that suppresses tumor growth in melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer
  • announces awards

    National institutes of health announced awards to support the Genotype-Tissue Expression project