
Garrett Morgan

  • Period: to

    Garrett Morgan

    Garrett Moragn was born.
  • Garrett Morgan is born.

    Garrett Morgan is born
  • Garrett morgan quit school the of 14.

    Garrett morgan quit school the of 14.
    Garrett morgan quit school age of 14.
  • Garrett morgan left the house and got a job he was able to buy a house.

    Garrett morgan left the house and got a job he was able to buy a house.
  • Garrett morgan gets married to Madge

    Garrett Morgan married to Mary.
  • Garrett Morgan gets Divorced by Madge

    garrett morgan gets divorce.
  • Garrett morgan open his own hair company.

    Garrett morgan open his own hair company.
  • Garrett Morgan mariied to Mary.

  • Mary open her open company to call the Cute Rate Lady Store

    Mary open her open company to call the Cute Rate Lady Store
  • Garrett morgan created the first gas mask.

    Garrett morgan created the first gas mask.
    Garret morgan created the first gas mask.
  • The U.S.A used the gas mask in ww1

    The U.S.A used the gas mask in ww1
    U.S.A use the gas mask in ww1.
  • The French use a musket grenade aganist the gremans.

    The French use a musket grenade aganist the gremans.
    French used musket grenade aganist the germans
  • Germans first used the gas mask

    Germans first used the gas mask
    The Germans used gas aganist the Russians.
  • Gremans used chemical inside a grenade

    Gremans used chemical inside a grenade
    Germans used chemical inside a grenade.
  • Garrett Morgan used this gas mask to save 32 people

    Garrett Morgan used this gas mask to save 32 people
    Garrett Morgan saved 32 people from undergroud
  • Garrett A. Morgan created the traffic light

    Garrett A. Morgan created the traffic light
    Garrett Morgan created a traffic light.
  • Garrett Morgan died at the age of 86.

    Garrett Morgan died at the age of 86.