Frederick great 03

Frederick the Great

  • Period: to

    Frederick the Great

  • Frederick the Great's birth

    Frederick the Great's birth
    Frederick the Great was born on January 24, 1712 into the House of Hohenzollern. His parents were named Frederick William I of Prussia and Princess Sophia-Dorothea, who she was the sister of George II of Great Britain.
  • His attempted escape

    His attempted escape
    As soon as Frederick was able to read and write, his mother got him into a variety of clases in order for him to have a wider background knowledge on history and other areas. His father, on the other hand, fought every day in order for him to learn how to rule a state. Because of so much fighting, at the age of 18, Frederick attempted to escape with his friend Hans Hermann von Katte, but their plan failed and the friend got executed.
  • Marriage

    After Frederick's father pardoned him, he was placed as a junior official in local administration and had a marriage arrangement with Elizabeth Christine of Brunswick-Bevern. Unfortunately, the marriage didn't work and they got divorced. Since then on, Frederick didn't show any future interest in women.
  • Crowned king

    Crowned king
    As soon as Frederick's father died on the year of 1740, Frederick was crowned king. Just as his reign started, he had big plans for Prussia, and during that same year he came away with the large piece of land named Silesia.
  • Start of the Seven Years War

    Start of the Seven Years War
    Throuhgout Frederick's complete reign, Prussia was always involved in some kind of conflict. After the War of Austrian Succession, Frederick managed to keep together Prussia against the allied forced of Austria, Saxony, Sweden, France, and Russia. That was when the Seven Years War for control of Silesia started from 1756 through 1763.
  • Won the Partition of Poland

    Won the Partition of Poland
    During the year of 1772, after the American Revolution, Frederick diplomatically fought and won the piece of land that separates Poland from East Prussia from Brandenburg. Such event was called the partition of Poland.
  • War of the Bavarian Succession

    War of the Bavarian Succession
    During the year of 1778, Frederick the Great took his troops to defend the independence of the Bavaria, where he field against Austria in alliance with Saxony. Since the came out with victory, it was called the War of the Bavarian Succession.
  • Death of Frederick II

    Death of Frederick II
    After having gained so much power and land for its people and government, Frederick the Great died in his castle at the age of 74 on the 17th of August of 1786. The cause of his death was unespecified.