Frederick Douglass

  • 1881 BCE

    Douglass literature

    Douglass wrote his famous Narrative of his life as a slave in 1845, "My Bondage and My Freedom" in 1855, and then "Life and Times of Frederick Douglass" in 1881
  • Frederick Douglass Birth

    Frederick Douglass's birth is not exactly certain, but it is believed to be around 1818.
  • Frederick Douglass birthplace

    Douglass was born on the East Short of Chesapeake Bay in Talbot County, Maryland.
  • Family

    at a very young age he was separated from his mother, then at the age of 6 he was separated from his grandmother and he then went to go work for the Wye House Plantation.
  • New Plantation

    Douglass's mother died when he was 10 years old, he was then sent to Thomas Auld's plantation. However, Auld's wife Lucretia sent him to go work in Baltimore for Thomas's brother Hugh.
  • Learning to read

    Douglass learned how to read by around age 14, he had learned from other poor white boys in baltimore.
  • Douglass goes back to Thomas Auld

    Douglass was sent back to the plantation, and because Thomas Auld thought that Frederick was too rebellious, he sent him to Mr. Covey, a man who is known for beating slaves and "breaking" them. One day Douglass fights back towards Covey, and Covey never touches him again.
  • Douglass tries to escape

    Master Freeland took in Douglass, but he is not successful with his attempt. He then tried again to escape from Covey and failed again.
  • Douglass escapes to freedom

    Frederick Douglass met Anna Murray, a free northern black woman In 1838 he then successfully boarded a train to Philadelphia. After this event, he was able to move around the Atlantic Northeast with no problem.