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Frederick Douglass

  • Frederick was born

    He was born into a slave family in Tuckahoe, Maryland. He does not know the exact date of his birth. He knows his father is a white man. He thinks his father may be his master or some other sort.
  • Went to live with Thomas Auld

    It had already been 7 years that he had lived with Auld on Colonel Lloyd's plantation. Douglass knew nothing about Auld. Auld had a very short temper and did not feed Douglass properly. He said it was very hard living there.
  • Thomas Auld attends a Methodist camp meeting

    Thomas Auld attends a Methodist camp meeting
    Auld atteneds a religiuous meeting. Frederick Douglass thought that Auld would be nice and maybe even let his slaves free. He was way wrong. Auld was more crule, if that was possible. He turned into a worst monster.
  • Went to go live with Covey

    On January 1, 1883 Douglass left Auld's planation and went to go live with Covey. Covey was known as the "slave breaker". In only the fisrt week, Covey whipped him severly cutting his back and letting the blood run freely.
  • Frederick overpowered Covey

    Frederick's strength was lost and he ran off into the woods. When he came back, Covey was going to hit him with a whip but Frederick overpowered him. He knocked him down and kicked Hughes. Covey didn't mess with Frederick again.
  • Done working for Covey

    It was inbetween Christmas and New Years. The masters would gave their slave a time off to enjoy and celebrate. The slaves would usually get drunk. It was a disgrace not to get drunk.
  • Went to live with William Freeland

    Freeland wasn't very religious. That was good because religious owners were very rude and cruel. They were worst than regualr owners. He wasn't very rich either.
  • He broke away from slavery

    He broke away from slavery
    Douglass ran away from slavery. "On September 3, 1838, I left my chains." - Douglass He went to New York without any interruption.
  • Fled to Europe

    Fled to Europe
    Douglass was scared with all his fame. He was scared he was going to get captured. He didn't want to be put back into the services of slavery. He left to Europe.
  • The war begins

    President Abraham Lincoln met up with Douglass to 2 rimes to discuss the role of black soliders in the Union Army.
  • Douglass U.S. Marshal for District of Columbia

    Douglass U.S. Marshal for District of Columbia
    President Rutherford Hayes appoints Douglass. He also served as a minister for Haiti.
  • Frederick Douglass Died

    Frederick Douglass Died
    Frederick Douglass died in 1895. He came back from an amazing meeting and had a heart attach when he came home. He was 77 years old.He had an amazing life teaching everyone amazing virtues of life.