
Frederick Douglass

  • Frederick Douglass' Birthday

    Frederick Douglass' Birthday
    Frederick Douglass does not know his exact birthday, there is no exact date, just an estimated month and a year. The date above is just an estimate. This birth, however, was the birth of an amazing man.
  • Period: to

    Birth to Death

    This timespan is from the birth of Frederick Douglass to the death. He died of heart failure after attending a Women's Rights Connvention. Frederick Douglass is remembered in history as a wonderful man.
  • Frederick Douglass Learns to Read

    His master's wife, Sophia Auld, trys to teach Frederick how to read. When her husband finds out about it, he stops it. This was the seed that was planted that urged Frederick to learn to read more.
  • Frederick Douglass Runs Away

    Frederick Douglass Runs Away
    Frederick Douglass finally makes an attempt to run away. This attempt was successful. He made it safely out of slavery, even though slavehunters could find him and take him back, he was free of slavery.
  • Frederick Douglass gets Married to Anna Murray

    After Frederick runs away from his master, he calls up on Anna Murray. When she arrives where he is, they are immediately married. Anna Murray was his wife.
  • Frederick Douglass Published his 1st Narrative

    This book (narrative) was written by Frederick Douglass himself. It is mainly about his life through slavery and how he lived and survived. He wrote a few more books about this too. They were a little bit more detailed.
  • 2nd Book is Published

    2nd Book is Published
    The second book Frederick Douglass wrote was another narrative about his life. This one, however, was more detailed and longer. This was probably becasue over time, he got better at writing and recalling the events in his life.
  • Lincoln's Advisor during Civil War

    Lincoln's Advisor during Civil War
    During the Civil War, Frederick Douglass was President Abraham Lincoln's personal advisor. He helped him make descisions. This was all during the Civil War (fight for no slavery)
  • Attends Equal Rights for Women Connvention

    Attends Equal Rights for Women Connvention
    Frederick Douglass attended many connventions like this one. He was totally on board to help people get equal rights. He wanted to help, and eventually it did help.
  • Appointed the Marshall of the US

    In 1877, Frederick Douglass was nominated for the Marshall of the United States. I believe he made it. He was a great Marshall, given his past.
  • Second Marriage

    Second Marriage
    After he divorced (?) his wife Anna Murray, he soon after got wed to Helen Pitt, his secretary. They were happily married. I do believe that this marriage was his last.
  • Frederick Douglass' Deathday

    Frederick Douglass' Deathday
    He died on the day he had attended an important meeting. The meeting was about the National Council of Women in Washington, D.C. When he went home later that day, he died of a heart attack.