
  • vietnam war

    vietnam war
    the vietnam war was on of the most controversal armed conflicts during the 20th century
  • hippie movement

    hippie movement
    the hippie movement did actually occur in the i=uniteed states during mid 1960s
  • rachel carson

    rachel carson
    A scientist and writer warned that our earth would die of pollution and chemicals.especially chemicals that were developed to kill bad insects.DDT was a real bad chemical it killed bad insects at least five states banned DDT.
  • president johnson

    president johnson
    ordered bombing raids on north vietnam and Americans begin protesting the war
  • sidney poitier

    sidney poitier
    sidney poitier became the first afican american to win an oscar for the best actor fo liies of the field
  • march on washington

    march on washington
    the march on washington for peace occurs this is a massive protest featuring thousnads of people who all believe that the wat in vietnam
  • walt disney

    walt disney
    walt disney the creator of mickey mouse and a pioneer of animated films died of cancer on dec 15 1966 but legend lives on times today
  • the black panther party

    the black panther party
    the black panther party was a american revolution lefist organization 1966-1982
  • moon landing

    moon landing
    this was accomlished with two us piot astronauts flying a lunar module on each six NASA missu=ions across a 41 month span starting on 20th july 1969 UTC with Neil Armdtrong and buzz Aldin on Apollo 11and ending on Deceember 14 December 1972 UTC with Gene cerman and jack schmitt on Apollo 17
  • water gate scandal

    water gate scandal
    the water gate scandal poltilcal scandal during which involed a break in of the democratic nationsl head quarters at the water gate office complex in washingtion D.C.