
Forest gump

  • Ku kulx klan began

    Ku kulx klan began
    The Ku Klux Klan was a group of white people who terrioized colored people. They would show up riding on horses covered in white sheets or they would have huge walks and chanting. Today there is less than 3,000 memebers in the Ku Klux Klan.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    The king of rock was born in 1935 in tueplo, Mississippi. His first big hit in the music industry was in 1956. Two days after his 21st brithday he had his first offical recording session was held on january 10 & 11. He recorded in Nashville, Tennesee. He is still very popular today. He died on August 16, 1977.
  • John lennon

    John lennon
    John lennon was a big part of the hippe movement. His mucis was made for the hippie movement. He was also part of a band called the beatles, he was the founder.
  • civil rights movement

    civil rights movement
    The civil rights movement was a major part in todays history. This is when the cicvils rights act came into place. Even though there was racism though whites and blacks where now "equal." This year was the year that little rock nine was at the the first interacial high school located in little rock high school in Alabama. The civil rights movement ended in 1998.
  • hippie movement

    hippie movement
    There is realistic date that the hippie movement started except for a year. 1960 is when people started disagreeing with war. It was all peace, love, and happieness. People would protest against war and violent acts in the world. The 1960s is also when drugs were becoming popular in teenagers. Drugs like LSD also known as acid became very popular during this time. People would die from the after effects, it would cause physcological problems. It would make them mentally insane, suicide.
  • Vietnam war

    Vietnam war
    The vietnam war was a war between north vietnam was fughting againt viet cong because viet cong wanted vietnam to become rule under communsim. vIetnam was one of the deathly wars. There were so many young soldiers dying.