five events

By nwills
  • 335

    alexander the great

    Alexander, with Greece now secure, felt free to carry out his fathers plans to invade Persia. He led 35,000 thousand soldiers into Anatolia, he faced off againt 40,000 Persian soldiers which were quickly crushed by Alexander and his army. Alexander later took control of all of Persia and died in 323 of a serious fever.
  • 431

    peloponnesian war

    Two city states, Sparta and Athens declared war on each other. Athens had a stronger navy while Sparta had a stronger army. After many years Athens had been completely destroyed, and very few returned home.
  • nor carolina

    On May 20, 1861, North Carolina was one of the last of the Confederate states to declare secession from the Union. The state was the site of the first successfu... Read More »
  • 13 admendment

    The Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution officially abolished and continues to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime... More »
  • 15 admendment

    The Fifteenth Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits each government in the United States from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude" (i.e.,
  • north carolina

    On May 20, 1861, North Carolina was one of the last of the Confederate states to declare secession from the Union. The state was the site of the first successfu
  • linda brown

    Linda Brown is required to walk six blocks to her bus stop to ride to her all black school one mile away.
  • noraman rodwell

    Norman Rockwell paints "The Problem We All Live With."
    1 Jan 1963
  • ruby bridges

    A resolution is passed marking November 14 as the day of integration, honoring Ruby Bridges forever.
  • persian war:marathon

    A Persian fleet carried 25,000 men across the Aegan Sea and landed on a plain called Marathon. After about 6 hours the Persians lost nearly 6,000 men to the Athenians who lost roughly 200.
  • philip of macedonia

    Philip of Macedonia took control over Greece and is stabbed to death 23 years later at his daughters wedding.