First Fleet and Australian Settlement Timeline

  • First Fleet left Pourtsmouth

    First Fleet left Pourtsmouth
    Captain Authur Phillip was the captain of the First Fleet. There were 11 ships in the first Fleet.
  • Period: to

    First Fleet and Australian Settlement Timeline

  • First Fleet stops at Santa Cruz, Spain.

    First Fleet stops at Santa Cruz, Spain.
    The Fleet stayed here for a couple of night's. The convict's were allowed to leave the ship to have fresh air and dance on the wet,muddy floor. Irish jigs were a common routine.
  • First Fleet stops at Rio de Janerio, Brazil

    First Fleet stops at Rio de Janerio, Brazil
    The convicts picked fresh fruits to eat at Rio de Janerio.
  • First Fleet arrived in Cape town, South Africa

    First Fleet arrived in Cape town, South Africa
    Some convicts passed away on the way to Cape town because the conditions on the ship was unhygenic.
  • Firt Fleet arrived at Botany Bay, Sydney Cove, Australia

    Firt Fleet arrived at Botany Bay, Sydney Cove, Australia
    The convicts were glad to leave the filthy ships for dry land. Captain Authur Phillip put the British flag into the ground and claimed the land. Aboriginal's had lived in Australia for 40,000 years before this. They had diffrent lifestyles and belives.
  • Revrend Richard Jhonson holds on 1st Church Services

    Revrend Richard Jhonson holds on 1st Church Services
    Revrend Richard Jhonson was the colonies Chaplain. He held the very first church service for the convicts and the children CORPS. This happened on a grassy hill under a tree in Sydney Cove