
First Five Presidents

  • George Washington

    George Washington
    Geroge Washington was our first president, During his presidency the bill of rights were added and the Federal court system established. The bill of rights was the first 10 admendments in the constitution it was ratified on December 15,1791. this document represnted what freedom everyone has. The federal Court system was was created under Article III of the United States Constitution. The Judicial Branch is one of the three separate and distinct branches of the federal government.
  • Period: to

    The Years of our first Five president

    Gerorge Washington was our first president and James Monroe was the last of the five president
  • John Adams

    John Adams
    John Adams was our second president during his presindency he had to make a hard desicion that could have effected our government today. Congress men asked him for his ideas on a new government; he has been telling them before his ideas before he was president so he wrote a book called,'Thoughts of government" that stated alll the states opinion he aslo thought the government should be a mixed government.
  • George Washington term ended

    His term ended.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was our thrid president;he is very famous for our declaration of Independence but I am going to talk about a even that happended during his presindency.A spanish governor was in debt and thomas jefferson needed New Orleans which was in the governors territory. To help himself out of debt he wanted to give Jefferson all the Louisana territory. This was a big agurment for ant-federalists and federalists.
  • John Adams term ended

    term ended
  • Thomas Jefferson term ended

    term ended
  • James Madison

    James Madison
    James Madison was our fourth president. During his presindency war 1812 broke out. This war was lasts about 2 yrs. it was a forgotten war but once and for all confirm American Independence. this war was mainly about . The offensive actions of the United States failed to capture Canada. On the other hand, the British army was successfully stopped when it attempted to capture Baltimore and New Orleans.
  • James Monroe

    James Monroe
    James Monroe is the lats of the five presidents. during his presindency he wrote the Monroe doctrine. Monroe Doctrine was passed by President James Monroe in 1823 as part of his annual speech to address the House of Representatives.•It stated that America would not allow or tolerate any type of European or colonial presence in the Western Hemisphere.
  • James Madison term ended

    term ended
  • James Monroe term Ended

    This is the end of the first five presidents.