Final Project

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus Sails to America

    Columbus Sails to America
    Columbus, The Italian explorer set sail to find new land to explore on his journey. He landed in what is now known as the America's and claimed the land for Spain.
  • The Jamestown colony

    The Jamestown colony
    The Jamestown Colony was named after "King James I". Jamestown was the first permanent colony which was located in Virginia. This Colony was one of few successful colonies at the time. Others failed miserably due to lack of resources.
  • Poor Richard's Almanac

    "Poor Richards Almanac" was a book published by Benjamin Franklin to help the common man in everyday life.
  • The First School of Medicine is founded

    The First School of Medicine is founded
    University of Pennsylvania was founded as the first medical program in the colonies.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act was a bill passed by the British Parliament. This act forced people to pay a tax on paper which the colonist were not happy about. This was one of the few things that would eventually cause the "American Revolution".
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a protest by the people of Boston. The people were protesting the bills passed by the British Parliament that taxed all imported goods from England. This resulted in the British soldiers firing back on the protestors with their guns. Killing many protesters in the act.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a statement made by the Colonist towards the British to stop taxing their goods.The Colonist would eventually start boycotting all British goods in result.
  • The First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia

    The First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia
    A bunch of delegates met in Philadelphia to discuss the taxing of the British Parliament. The delegates were the voices of the Colonist, and they wanted to sand up for themselves and the rest of the Colonist against Britain.
  • The Revolutionary War begins

    The Revolutionary War begins
    The war between the British and the Colonist began. The Colonist ultimately started the war to gain their independence from Britain.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration was created by delegate and future president "Thomas Jefferson". The Declaration declared the colonies as their own country and separate from Britain.
  • The Revolution is Over

    The Revolution is Over
    Officially, The new United States had gained their Independence from Britain. The Treaty of Paris is signed.
  • The First Constitution is Written

    The First Constitution is Written
    The Constitution is written which is the document of laws for the country. Amendments are in the Constitution which many more Amendments are passed or changed overtime. The first Constitution came into effect a year later in 1787.
  • George Washington is Americas First President

    George Washington is Americas First President
    George Washington was an American Hero after what he contributed in the War as a general. He was a brave man who led the patriots to victory over the Red Coats. He was a no brainer for who the new country should elect president.
  • France Sells Louisiana Territories to the U.S.

    France Sells Louisiana Territories to the U.S.
    This was Known as the "Louisiana Purchase". Thomas Jefferson purchased the territories from France, expanding the country even more than its original 13 states.
  • The War Of 1812 Begins

    The War Of 1812 Begins
    The War of 1812 was once again between the United States and Britain. This War would last for almost three years. Th United States Army was lead by future president "Andrew Jackson".
  • The Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal Act was signed by President Andrew Jackson moving all Native American Indians out west. This caused the "Trail of Tears" which killed many Native Americans.
  • Confederacy Succeeds from the Union

    Confederacy Succeeds from the Union
    The Southern States would branch off from The United States to form the Confederacy. Obviously the United States was not happy about this which would later result in the beginning of the Civil War.
  • The Civil War Begins

    The Civil War Begins
    The Confederate States Succeed from the Union resulting in a "Civil War". The Southern States ultimately left the Union due to their ideas of possibly abolishing slavery.
  • The Gettysburg Address

    The Gettysburg Address
    The Gettysburg Address was a speech given by President Abe Lincoln after the battle of Gettysburg. He declared the battlefield a cemetery due to how many soldiers were lost in battle.
  • The 13th Amendment is officially passed

    The 13th Amendment is officially passed
    The 13th Amendment completely banned all slavery in the United States. This was a huge topic when it came to the Civil War. When the Union end up winning the War. The Confederacy would also have to free all the slaves. President Lincoln was always against owning slaves and wanted to abolish slavery from the start.
  • The Civil War Ends

    The Civil War Ends
    The Union ultimately defeats the Confederacy in the brutal Civil War. Forcing the Confederate States to join back into the Union.
  • President Lincoln is Assassinated

    President Lincoln is Assassinated
    President Lincoln was watching a play with his family when he was shot in the head and killed by John Wilkes Booth. This was only 6 days after the Civil War finally ended.