

  • Connections:

    • Industrialization led to the formation of a working class. French-Canadian workers had the fewest skills and had to be satisfied with the lowest-paying jobs. This was especially true of women, whose numbers were increasing in the textile, clothing, shoe and tobacco industries. The growing importance of the working class was confirmed by the rise of the labour movement in the 1880s and 1890s
  • Meaning and importance of current of thought: Fighting

    • Gerin-Lajoie played a crucial role in the progress for women’s suffrage. This woman encouraged other women to take a stand for their rights. Due to her perseverance and successes, many feminists came to follow in her footsteps. Gerin-Lajoie allowed several important events to take place for her social group.
    Marie-Lacost Gerin Lajoie was a woman who initiated the movement for woman’s rights. She led and founded an organization in 1907 to help women and to campaign for their social and politic
  • Definition

    Feminism is the conviction that women should be given all the same rights regarding social, political, economical amongst others. The idea of feminism also encourages women to fight for their rights and for equality with laws and socialy like in the workplace. Feminism believes that men and women should be viewed and treated equally.
  • Cultural expression: Litterature

    • Traité de droit usuel, in 1902 and La femme et le code civil, in 1929. In these books, Gérin-Lajoie argued against the subordinate legal position of married women.
  • Connections: Population changes

    • population changes could be first (1914 to 1918) and second world war (1939-1945) when the population living in the country became mostly women and therefore needed to take over the work force
  • Current of thought: 1922 Protest

    • In 1922, Gérin-Lajoie led a protest for women's suffrage in Quebec.
  • Cultural expression: Texts on women's rights to vote

    • Marie –Lacoste Gerin Lajoie: Published numerous texts on women’s right to vote in a magazine called “La Bonne parole”, the periodical of the Federation nationale Saint-Jean-Batiste. (1922)
  • Current of thought: Vote to women

    Quebec was the last Canadian province to grant the vote to women, in 1940.
  • Meaning and importance of current of thought: Voting

    • Voting: This meant that people in general would begin to view women as equals since after lots of fighting and rebelling women were granted one of the most important right that once were denied to them. This also represented how women were intellectually equal since they were now trusted with such a decision and that rebelling and fighting for a cause might actually pay off. The fact that Quebec was the last Canadian province to grant vote to women also means that they are the ones that least
  • Cultural expression : Feminist art movement

    • Feminist art movement: began in the 1960s and went on until the 1970s. It is thought to be one of the most influential artistic movements. It is thought to have started in the Fresno State University. Different pieces that took place in this movement are: Vivienne Binns, vag dens (1967), Black Women of Africa Today (1969)