
  • The beginning

    In January 1881, an inter-colonial conference was held in Sydney to discuss the particular issue of customs duties.
  • The Federal Council

    The British Parliament passed the Federal Council of Australasia Act 1885 (UK) on 14 August and after the colonies passed adopting acts, the Federal Council was formed.
  • Parkes and his 'Tenterfield Address

    Realising the inadequacies of the Federal Council, Sir Henry Parkes made a second attempt at Federation. At the Tenterfield School of Arts on 24 October 1889, he gave a famous speech which called for the need of a national government
  • Constitutional Conventions

    With Parkes as its president, the National Australian Convention was convened at Parliament House in Sydney between March and April 1891. 1891 & 1897- 1898
  • Referenda

    As the ANA had proposed in Corowa, the people of the colonies then had to vote in a referendum on the Constitution. 1898- 1899
  • British approval

    As the colonies were still being ruled by Britain, for Federation to be established, legislation needed to be passed by the British Parliament.
  • The Commonwealth of Australia

    On 1 January 1901, what had been legally disparate colonies the previous day were now States of Australia. Celebrations were to be found all across the new nation.