Anna Mary Vida arrives at Ellis Island, NY
Jozef George Pojedinec arrives at Ellis Island, NY
Period: to
Sometime between these dates, Jozef Pojedinec and Anna Vida get married.
"Jozef Pojedinec and Anna Vida both ended up at a central rooming house in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that was a central processing point for immigrants. Since they knew each other in the Old Country they decided to get married." -
Joseph Andrew Pojedinec is born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Period: to
Sometime between these dates Jozef and Anna Pojedinec arrive in East Vandergrift, Pennsylvania
"Jozef and Anna Pojedinec left Pittsburgh and went to a small village nearby called East Vandergrift where Jozef Pojedinec was hired as a steel worker." -
Joseph Andrew Pojedinec moves to Buffalo, NY
"Joseph was not happy living in that small town so at the age of 14 he dropped out of school and went to Buffalo, NY where he got a job in a steel factory." -
Joseph Pojedinec and Helen Mazurek get married
"It was in Buffalo, NY where Joseph Pojedinec met my Great Grandmother, Helen Margaret Mazurek." -
Frank "Poydence" is born
Joseph and Helen Pojedinec have their first child, my grandfather, Frank Poydence. -
The name "Pojedinec" is legally changed to "Poydence"
"The name Pojedinec was difficult to pronounce so my grandfathers oldest aunt went to court and had the name legally changed to Poydence." -
Frank Poydence marries Alice Moore
My grandparents, Frank and Alice, lived on the same street in Apollo, Pennsylvania throughout their childhood. When my Grandmother graduated high school, they were maried. -
Sue Poydence (then Partridge) is born
My mother, Sue (Partridge) Poydence, is born in Dallas, Texas, the youngest of ten children of Robert Thomas and Sara Eskue Partridge. -
Gerard (Bo) Poydence is born in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Frank and Alice have their fourth child (out of six)- Bo Poydence, my father. He was born in Hawaii because my Grandfather was then a member of the US Air Force and had to travel a lot. -
My father, Gerard (Bo) Poydence moves to Dallas, Texas
My father finished college in Nebraska and took his first job in Texas. -
Bo Poydence and Sue Poydence(Partridge) get married
Bo and Sue, my parents, meet at their job in Dallas, Texas and soon get married. -
Taylor Poydence is born
Bo and Sue have their first child, Taylor, in Carrollton, Texas. -
I, Michelle Poydence, was born
I am the yougest (second) child of Bo and Sue Poydence. To this day, we still live in Carrollton, Texas.