FACS timeline assignment

  • Justin Smith Morrill/Morril Act

    Justin Smith Morrill/Morril Act
    Officially titled "An Act Donating Public Lands to the Several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the Benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts," the Morrill Act provided each state with 30,000 acres of Federal land for each member in their Congressional delegation.
  • Hatch Act

    Hatch Act
    Developed the Central Office of Agricultural Experimental Stations to conduct agricultural research.
  • Lake Placid Conference

    Lake Placid Conference
    The goal was to define standards for teacher training and certification in the new field of home economics and establish a philosophical and theoretical foundation for a new discipline.
  • Tenth Lake Placid Conference

    Tenth Lake Placid Conference
    Formed the American Home Economics Association and electing Ellen Richards as the first president.
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    Progressive era

    The era provided the perfect backdrop for the American Home Economics Association to flourish. The "progressives" were concerned with the environment and conservation of resources, trying to make big business more responsible through various regulations, to clean up corrupt city governments, improve working conditions for immigrants and those who lived in poverty.
  • Smith Lever Act

    Smith Lever Act
    Establishing the Cooperative Extension Service, which required all land-grant colleges to establish an Agricultural Experiment Station-an entity dedicated to the dissemination of practical and useful information relating to agriculture, home economics, and rural communities.
  • Smith Hughes Act

    Smith Hughes Act
    This was the first act setting vocational education apart from the regular high school curriculum and establishing federal funds to support vocational education.
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    World War 2

    War production pulled the country out of the Great Depression as many jobs were opened to women when the men were shipped off to war. Rationing of food, clothing and gas were ways citizens supported the war effort
  • George-Barden Act

    George-Barden Act
  • Manpower Development and Training Act

    Manpower Development and Training Act
    The Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962 endeavored to train and retrain thousands of workers unemployed because of automation and technological change.
  • Vocational Education Acts

  • Head Start program

    Head Start program
    As baby boomers became teenagers and young adults, they made a great impact on U.S. society from the changes that focused on youth and energy. These changes affected values, beliefs, lifestyles, laws, education, and etc.
  • Vocational Education Acts Amendments

  • Period: to


    The idea that increased consumption of goods is good for individuals and the economy, was at an all-time high. These goods individuals consume like kitchen appliances made household living easier.
  • Perkins Act

    Was to support secondary and postsecondary vocational education programs in agriculture, business, and technology.