

  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to Dec 31, 1523

    Exploers and the Era

    In this timeline, I will have events and explorers on their epic discoveries and journes.. Enjoy!
  • Jan 23, 1492

    Christopher Columbus; and his journey

    Christopher Columbus; and his journey
    Columbus's voyage to the americas led to the exploration of the new world-spain funded him to find a new route to the far east
  • Feb 15, 1500

    Pedro Alvarez Cabral

    Pedro Alvarez Cabral
    Pedro Alvarez Cabral of a fleet sailing for India. He had also gone on his own to scavage and research the belongings, and characteristics on this unknown piece of of land which is now odern day Brazil. Later in this same exact date on Feburary 15th he overtook Brazil.
  • May 11, 1501

    Gaspar Corte-Real and his journey.

    Gaspar Corte-Real and his journey.
    Gaspar Corte-Real reached Greenland, believing it to be east Asia, but chose not to land. He set out on a second voyage to Greenland in 1501, with his brother Miguel Corte-Real and three caravels.
  • Feb 11, 1513

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa
    Vasco Nunez while the expedition to the South Sea (the name at the time of the Pacific Ocean) was being organized in Santa María, some explorers travelled but came back empty-handed.
  • Apr 2, 1513

    Juan Ponce de Leon; The discovery of Florida

    Juan Ponce de Leon; The discovery of Florida
    Juan Ponce de León equipped three ships with at least 200 men at his own expense and set out from Puerto Rico on March 4, 1513.For the next several days the fleet crossed open water until April 2, 1513,When they sighted land which Ponce de León believed was another island. He named it La Florida in recognition of the verdant landscape and because it was the Easter season. Finally, later that day Ponce had finally risen to see all of Florida was his, a great exploration.
  • Jul 12, 1519

    Hernan Cortes

    Hernan Cortes
    In 1518 Velázquez put him in command of an expedition to explore and secure the interior of Mexico for colonization. At the last minute, due to the old gripe between Velázquez and Cortés, he changed his mind and revoked his charter. Cortés ignored the orders and went ahead anyway, in February 1519, in an act of open mutiny. Accompanied by about 11 ships, 500 men, 13 horses and a small number of cannons, he landed in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mayan territory.
  • Aug 10, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan; The complete journey around the world

    Ferdinand Magellan; The complete journey around the world
    On 10 August 1519, the five ships under Magellan's command left Seville and descended the Guadalquivir River to Sanlúcar de Barrameda, at the mouth of the river. There they remained more than five weeks. Finally they set sail on 20 September.
    King Manuel ordered a Portuguese naval detachment to pursue Magellan,but the explorer evaded them. After stopping at the Canary Islands,Magellan arrived at Cape Verde, where he set course for Cape St. Augustine in Brazil. They won and completed the journey.
  • May 7, 1522

    Francisco Pizarro

    Francisco Pizarro
    The first attempt to explore western South America was undertaken in 1522 by Pascual de Andagoya. The native South Americans he encountered told him about a gold-rich territory called Virú. He had many explorations and journeys with his half brother Hernando de Soto. They both undertook South America later on in their carrers. But, both died very few years after the undertake of the century.
  • Oct 7, 1522

    Hernando de Soto

    Hernando de Soto
    Hernando de Soto was a Spanish explorer and conquistador who led the first European expedition deep into the territory of the modern-day United States, and the first documented to have crossed the Mississippi River. Historians have worked to trace the route of de Soto's expedition in North America, a controversial process over the years. Local politicians have viewed to have their locales associated with the expedition.
  • Nov 15, 1524

    Estevao Gomes

    Estevao Gomes
    The expedition sailed on September 24, 1524 from A Coruña, with 29 men forming the crew. He arrived in Cuba and later sailed north. Gomes' expedition reached Cabot Strait and Cape Breton (in today's Nova Scotia province of Canada) in February 1525. As soon as he was able to renewed his search for the passage, and probably thinking that an even Northern passage would not present much better conditions than what he remembered from the Strait of Magellan, he decided to sail South. He passed through