Explorations About Volcanoes

By anan
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  • beginning idea

    I choose this topic because I want to find out more what's the secret of volcanoes
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  • What is volcano?

    A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in a planet's surface or crust, which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from the magma chamber below the surface.
    Volcanoes are generally found where tectonic plates are diverging or converging. A mid-oceanic ridge, for example the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, has examples of volcanoes caused by divergent tectonic plates pulling apart; the Pacific Ring of Fire has examples of volcanoes caused by convergent tectonic plates coming together.
  • How does it melt rocks?

    How do rocks melt? At surface pressures, all you have to do to melt a solid is to heat it up to its melting point. It is true that the temperature rises as you go deeper and deeper into the Earth (15 - 20°C / km is the typical geothermal gradient). However, pressure is also rising as you descend into the Earth, and increased pressure inhibits melting. There are three basic ways that rocks melt to form the lavas that erupt from volcanoes: decompression, addition of volatiles, and conduction. Let
  • How does it flow out of the volcano?

    They are an awesome part of God’s creation. Volcanoes are mountains that have pools of molten rock inside. Eventually, pressure builds up until it has to find somewhere to escape. It then forces its way up through “fissures,” which are cracks in the Earth’s surface. Once the hot magma passes through the Earth’s surface, it is called lava. Igneous rocks form whenever the lava cools down and turns into rock.
    How long does this process take? It certainly does not take millions of years.
  • How long does it take for the lava out?

    They are an awesome part of God’s creation. Volcanoes are mountains that have pools of molten rock inside. Eventually, pressure builds up until it has to find somewhere to escape. It then forces its way up through “fissures,” which are cracks in the Earth’s surface. Once the hot magma passes through the Earth’s surface, it is called lava. Igneous rocks form whenever the lava cools down and turns into rock.
  • What is lava?

    Lava is the molten or melted rock that is forced from volcanoes and cracks within the Earth's surface, as well as what is left behind once it cools and hardens. Cooled lava has formed many mountains and island chains, and much of it eventually becomes lush and productive soil. Lava is made up of mostly silicon dioxide, and geologists believe magma (the term used to describe the molten rock deep with the Earth) is created under extreme pressure and temperatures at great depths below the Earth's
  • Where does lava come from?

    Well, volcanoes. And the lava in volcanoes comes from deep in the earth where everything is molten, right? Wrong! It’s true that as you go deeper into the earth, things heat up, but the earth isn’t a crispy rock shell around a gooey molten center. The crust, mantle and inner core of the earth are all solid rock (or iron in the case of the core). The only large portion of the earth’s interior that is liquid is the outer core, and lava does not come from there (again, if it did, it would be molten
  • what happens to it when it is outside the volcano

    Volcano, if simply defined is a mountain in a conical shape and has a vent in the center from where lava, hot vapor, rock pieces and gas are released at the time of eruption. safety training They are actually considered to be an opening on the surface of the Earth, which allows ash, magma and gas to escape from the under the surface. Such a structure can be very deadly if proper actions are not taken to deal with the eruption. There are quite a few facts that are known about volcanoes. In this
  • What are the good things about lava for people ?