expansionism timetoast

  • american and german navies almost go to war

    they saw each other in the soth pacific
  • new orleans crisis

    it was the largest lynching in us history
  • cuba revolts

    they revolt aginst the spanish
  • the amine blows up

    one of first the American battleships it cost about 2 million but it blew up mysteriously in cuba
  • Dewey’s May Day Victory at Manila

    us declares war without thinking
  • us annex hawaii/philippines/puertorico

    it official a us territory (it latter becomes a state ) and this marks the start of the us imperial state.
  • Open Door Policy

    this gave us equal trading eights in china
  • The Foraker Act

    it gave Puerto Rico its own government under us rule
  • platt amenment

    force cuba to write contitucion .
  • congress decides on pamana canal

    president sends batlleship to support panama indipendance.
  • Congress finally decided on the Panama route

    rosavelt sent battleship to help the panama indipendace movement
  • japanese react

    it was a set of attacks vs the Russian fleet initially went to ushelp with peace negotiation.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    this was an addition to the Monroe doctrine by Theodore rosavelt
  • Showdown came in 1906 when the San Francisco’s school board ordered the segregation of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean

    to make more space in school for whites
  • dollar diplomacy

    it was the policy that to increase their influence they had to invest more in foreign marquets
  • panama canal

    it was a shortcut between Atlantic and Pacific ocean.