
Expansion of American Industry

  • Bessemer Proceess

    Bessemer Proceess
    The Bessemer process is patented, paving the way for the mass production of steel and a new industrial age in America. Industrial process for the manufacture of steel from molten pig iron
  • Edwin L. Drake Striking Oil

    Edwin L. Drake Striking Oil
    Edwin L. Drake strikes oil in Titusville, Pennsylvania , marking the first successful oil well and the beginning of the commercial use of oil.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    Workers finish construction on the trancontinental railroad, the first railroad to connect the east and west coasts.
  • Great Railroad Strike

    Great Railroad Strike
    Dangerous working confitions and wage cuts spark violent rotests by railway workers in the Great Railroad Strike
  • Standard Oil Trust

    Standard Oil Trust
    Samuel Dodd and John Rockefeller from the Standard Oil Trust, which would soon dominate the nation's oil industry.
  • Canadians Railways

    Canadians Railways
    The Canadian Pacific Railway opens, linking eastern and western Canada.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    Congress passes the Sherman Antitrust Act
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    The Pullman Striike leads President Cleveland to use federal force against striking workers.