The dangers of change

  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther's 95 Thesis

    Martin Luther's 95 Thesis
    A big factor for the peasant war was Martin Luther’s religious reform which concluded that the Christian institutions were outdated.This religious thesis was a big threat to the Roman Catholic Church.     
  • 1536

    Toyotomi Hideyoshi limited spread of Christianity

    Toyotomi Hideyoshi limited spread of Christianity
    Japan's leaders wanted to unify its citizens and for this reason they expelled Christian missionaries. Christian missionaries were thought to potentially threaten Toyotomi Hideyoshi's legitimacy, who was the ruler at the time.
  • The Ming Dynasty End

    The Ming Dynasty End
    Rebel Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the Mongols and instituted the Ming Dynasty.This rebellion proved to be a good transition of power for China because the Ming Dynasty had proven to have the mandate of heaven up until they were overthrown in 1644.
  • English Bill of Rights signed by queen William II and Mary II

    English Bill of Rights signed by queen William II and Mary II
    An agreement made by King William and Queen Mary with Parliament to reflect John Locke’s interpretation of the social contract was the,The English Bill of Rights. These rulers agreed that this deal confirmed that the English monarchs could not readily suspend the enforcement of laws, and it granted Parliament the ability to participate in fiscal decisions.
  • Jean- Jacques Rousseau's social contract

    Jean- Jacques Rousseau's social contract
    The commitment Rousseau is advocating in his social contract is a deal between a citizen and society that involves giving up freedoms to enter society, but the new benefits granted are more than enough to make up for lost rights. This contract was created to benefit society as a whole while elevating an individuals intellect.
  • The Terror

    The Terror
    An estimated fifty thousand people were killed and five hundred thousand imprisoned among the chaos after King Louis’s death, often known as, The Terror. Their revolution may have been justified, but their failure to implement a sovereign well ruled democracy led them to fall under an absolute ruler again as their lack of adequate ideas to run a government fell short. Their lack of vision and leadership ensued pure chaos within France leading to more harm than good.
  • Louis XVI was executed

    Louis XVI was executed
    Frances ruling authorities were having trouble maintaining their citizens fed and struggled to control them as they were growing tired of their incompetent ruler. Violence escalated along with debates on the future of France as leaders in the republic grew more extreme attacking rhetoric that wasn’t aligned with their own. Eventually they stripped the crown of King Louis XVI and executed him as a traitor on January 1793.
  • The Peterloo Massacre

    The Peterloo Massacre
    British government leaders were only elected by rich men and wealthy landowners, who were raising bread prices. Citizens could not stand for this and a cavalry violently dispersed a rally for electorate reform at St. Peter's Filed in Manchester in the summer of 1819. This event resulted in the killing of 15 people and injuring more than 600 in what came to be known as the, "Peterloo Massacre".
  • Britain's' Reform Act of 1832

    Britain's' Reform Act of 1832
    A wide array of parliamentary delegates, factory workers, and intellectuals worked out a series of compromises.Beginning in the 1820s social, political and economic reforms emerged from Parliament, culminating in the Reform Act of 1832, which redistributed electoral seats and doubled the number of eligible voters. Other parliament reforms of this era reduced some tariffs, reformed the criminal code, and placed limits worker hours.
  • Karl Marx wrote, The Communist Manifesto

    Karl Marx wrote, The Communist Manifesto
    Karl Marx's noticed that throughout history one class seemed to control the production of wealth and also stated that industrial capitalism would be the main agent towards its own undoing because of severe competition creating need for new markets. His communist manifesto said that low workers wages which will inevitably lead to revolution.
  • Stalin comes to power

    Stalin comes to power
    Stalin guided the country through rapid industrialization, centralizing control over production and distribution of resources. Stalin implemented a campaign of collective agriculture producers and consumers which resulted in the deaths of eight million starving Russians and the Ukrainians.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Tsar Nicholas II had growing opposition and in 1905 a crowd of several thousand approached Nicholas's Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg to petition improved working conditions and increased recognition of workers' rights. The crowed started of peacefully but the guards protecting the palace moved aggressively using swords and rifles against protesters with results of according to the Russian government being 100 people, but unofficial estimates say the death toll exceeded 1,000.