
Evolution of the Iron Man Technology in Suit

  • Mark 1 & 2

    Mark 1 & 2
    Iron Man, the creation. The Suit to power, and start them all
    From the creation of this power, to the responsibility that has come behind it, can you imagine the man hours of time put forth into the blue print to encase this technology in the size of a jump suit
  • Iron Man

    Iron Man
    From a cave where only welding and an ancient computer were, to the creation of one of the worlds most powerful thought up weapons.
  • Mark 3

    Mark 3
    Iron Man 2. The creation of the suit to change and adapt to the ever changing ways of life. The creation of a new element, one more powerful, but more sustainable for the bettering of the suit.
  • Iron Man 2

    Iron Man 2
    An element tested for many, but never really put into use, comes to be a poison for the human body. In the creation of the suit and its need for a high power, a new elemental force has to be created to maintain the power of the suit.
  • Mark 7

    Mark 7
    The bracelet suit, in case of emergencies, or being pushed off a giant tower, the suit comes to you.
  • Mark 5-10

    Mark 5-10
    The creation of new weapons to be able to take on alien life, as well as the hulk. There are creatures from a different world, and we are not prepared. the later suits were adapted to find your person with small chips implanted in the wearer's arms. Can also be summoned by the owner to save another who does not possess the chips.
  • The Avengers

    The Avengers
    When you have the best hero face, who needs a team. But when forced to work with a band of other supers, they are placed in a war, that there is no winning, as it is unworldly.
  • New Space Technology

    New Space Technology
    Time and space have found us, but does the suit hold up to the alien technology we have faced.
    After facing his almost end, he has recreated the suit for it to hold up better in the means of space travel. In case that ever comes up again.
  • Mark 11-42

    Mark 11-42
    A exhausted hero finds that he is not able to sleep without the ones that he loves being safe, leaving millions of hours on the drawing board, creating a suit for everything imaginable to happen, even some that will never exist. With the creation of a new technology by a bioscientist, he has his work cut out for him.
  • Iron Man 3

    Iron Man 3
    When a man just wants some sleep, but there are aliens out there.
  • Removal of Arc Reactor

    Removal of Arc Reactor
    The final trust that he has held on to since his capture many years prior. The removal does not take the hero out of the man, it just takes the dangerous power source out of him, so he doesn't have to recharge his batteries.
  • Veronica

    With the help of Bruce Banter, Tony creates a suit that would be able to combat against The Hulk, if it ever becomes necessary
  • Iron Legion

    Iron Legion
    The use of his technology to help in catastrophic events where it would be very difficult for the human access to rescue more than harm.
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron

    Avengers: Age of Ultron
    A new power, enhanced with an alien stone. something we cannot change, but we cannot control either.
  • Avengers Infinity War

    Avengers Infinity War
    Again with the aliens, but this time we have the technology to combat them. Or so we hope. Until they through stones at us.
  • Avengers End Game

    Avengers End Game
    But now my hero, your technology has conquered, and you may finally rest.