Events of the Holocaust

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    Hitler knew his intentions. When he became Chancellor of Germany, he knew what he was going to do to the Jews.
  • The Third Reich

    The Third Reich
    After Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany, Germany became known as the Third Reich, and the Germans were the "master race".
  • Hitler Gains Sole Power of Germany

    Hitler Gains Sole Power of Germany
    After Hitler gained emergency power of Germany, the Jewish population was officially at stake. Hitler wanted to completely destroy the Jews, so after he gained sole power, he never held another election.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    On September 25, 1935, the Nuremberg Laws were passed. These laws limited the Jews' rights. They were no longer allowed to publish books, have interracial marriage, attend universities, practice law, and they were deprived of their citizenship.
  • German Diplomat Is Killed

    German Diplomat Is Killed
    On his way to work one morning, a German diplomat was shot and killed by a 17 year-old Jew.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht is the aftermath of what happened to the German diplomat. After this incident, Hitler began to terrorize the Jews even more. It was a two-day event. In those two days, hundreds of synagogues, Jewish homes, schools, cemeteries, businesses, and hospitals were destroyed. Almost 100 Jews were killed. German police officers and firemen were ordered to do nothing. Thousands and thousands of Jews were shipped off to the concentration camps and ghettos during those two days.
  • Danish Rescue Jews

    Danish Rescue Jews
    In 1943, the Danish ferried more than 7,000 Jews to safety.
  • The Holocaust Comes to an End

    The Holocaust Comes to an End
    In the Spring of 1945, Hitler killed himself. Not even a week later, the Germans surrendered WW2. Shortly after, the Jews were set free.