Events Leading to the Revolution

  • Benjamin Franklin and the Albany Plan of Union

    Benjamin Franklin and the Albany Plan of Union
    Ben Franklin drafted the Albany Plan of Union in 1754 with other colonial delegates. The plan called on the colonies to follow British rule and cooperate with each other in war. There was a colonial assembly that included delegates from each colony. None of the colonies accepted the plan, though, for they feared losing their self government.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Pontiac's Rebellion
    After the French & Indian War, Canada was conquest, & goods were cut off from Britain. The British started to settle on their land, too. In response, some members of the Indian groups affected captured most of the British forts surrounding & on the Great Lakes. They continued raiding into summer & fall, but with the loss of weapons, the rebellion fizzled. They failed to capture the 3 biggest British posts, so the rebellion failed. The goal was to weaken the British & bring the French back.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    This document ordered colonial settlers to remain east of the Appalachian Mountains. The British troops, however, were too few to restrain the thousands of colonists who pushed westward.