Events Leading to the Civil War

  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton Gin was an invention that greatly helped the development of manufactoring. It was invented by Eli Whitney and used to make a profit from short staple cotton in the South. It cleaned the seeds from the cotton and made it much easier to deal with. This invention greatly helped in growing slavery in the Southern States.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    THis happened when America purchased land from the French in 1803. It was over 800000 square miles of land. They purchased it for 15 million dollars. This purchase of land almost doubled the size of the US and helped establish new territory for slaves and owners.
  • American System

    American System
    The American System was a plan promoted to Congress by Henry Clay in 1815. He wanted to create a stable economy and establish a national bank. He also wanted to develop transportation systems and establish a tariff. He wanted it to improve the trade between the north and south by making them trade with eachother.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The missouri Compromise was a set of agreements that were used to help Missouri become a state. It was admitted the 11th slave state. This event added more territory for slaves to be worked and expanded slavery even more. It assisted in the development of the civil war because of its growth in slavery.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine was a set of principals introduced by President Monroe warning outside powers not to interfere with the Western Hemisphere . It was given after Spain, Portugal and China were leaving the US because of Russia moved into CA with Trade, This event also said that interfering with the colonies would require US interferance. It gave the US a better chance of securing trade with other nations
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    Nat Turner was born into slavery. HE lived in Southampton County, Virginia. He led a group of 80 followers during an eclipse and killed almost 60 white people. He was lated captured and hung. This event led to the awarness of slavery and waht it did to the slaves.
  • Texas Revo;ution

    Texas Revo;ution
    This was also the Texas war of independance. It occured when Santa Anna revoked powers in Texas. It was a feud between The texans and the Mexican government. It recognized Texas' independance and let them become an iddependent territory.
  • Treaty of Gyadalupe- Hidalgo

    Treaty of Gyadalupe- Hidalgo
    A treaty between the US and Mexico. Ti made the Rio Grande a Texan Border. The US also payed 15 million for them to secede. Ti also gave the Mexicans many rights. Many new slave and free stated were given to the US.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    A series of resolutions that wanted to unite the North and South. It proposed new laws and territiories to assist in satisfying the north and south. It also included the right of popular soveirgnty which helped determine the amount of slavery in America.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    A book written by Harriet Beecher that tried to explain the issue of slavery. It gave reasons of how it was morally wrong, not just political. It stirred up both the North and South. It caused the North to further oppose Fugitive Slave Laws, and The SOuth to criticize the book, which caused issues between them.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    The Kansas Nebraska Act was a law passed Stephen Douglas in 1854. It estabished popular sovereignty in both states. It also put Nebraska as a Northern Territory and Nebraska as a Southern, which both increased and decreased slavery.
  • Beating of Charles Summner

    Beating of Charles Summner
    Charles Sumner was betan with a cane by a congressman's nephew after a speech he delivered, It is siad that the beating was an attack on free speech in The south. It also angered many northerners and increased tension.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Dred Scott was a slave who visited a free state. HE believed that since he was at one time in one, he should be free. His belief was shot down and it was decided that it could not happen to slaves unless freed by their master. This decision made tensions even tighter,
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    Johhn Brown led 21 Black and white men to Harpers Freey to sieze a federal arsenal. He wanted to arm the slaaves and start a slave upriseing. BRown was captured and most of his men were killed, and he was tried for treason. This event led to the slaves feeling more obligatd to be free.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    An election was held to Determine a new president. I was Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas and John Bell. Abraham ended up winning. HE actually recieved no votes from the south, having sectional support. HIs Presidency led to speeches that gave people hope about freeing slaves.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    South CArlolina seceded in 1860, which led the way for many other SOuthern States. This event led to formation of more slavery and its ties,id:39015072,w:16