Events leading to the Civil War

  • Period: to

    Events leading to the Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was the issue of weather to add Missouri to the union as a slave or free state. In the aftermath of this compromise, Missouri was added as a slave state because Southeners were using words such as sucession and civil war.
  • Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion
    In 1831, a slave named Nat Turner led a slave rebellion in Virginia where 55 white people were killed and at least 100 blacks. Because of this, state legislature made new laws regarding learning for slaves.
  • The Wilmot Proviso

    The Wilmot Proviso
    The Wilmot Proviso is a proposal that states that slavery couldn't exist in any territory aquired from the Mexican-American War. This proplosal passed the House of Representatives but not the Senate
  • California joins the union

    California joins the union
    In 1849, California joined the union as a free state. For Northeners, this was harnless, but for Southeners, this was a threat to their power in the Senate.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    When Congress was deiding what to do with the land from the Mexican-American War, Southerners were talking about leaving the union. The idea of leaving peacefully was just that, an idea.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin is a story that was inspired by a slave being beaten to death then beeing written down. This instant bestseller broke the heart of millions. This novel made people even more angry about slavery.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin is published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin is published
  • Ostend Manifesto

    Ostend Manifesto
    The Ostend Manifesto was a message to the secretary of state sent by three american diplomats saying to seize Cuba and add it as a slave state. This leaked out to the public and enraged Northeners.
  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This act created two new territories, Kansas and Nebraska. This act defied the Missouri Compromise because it allowed it's inhabitants to choseweather to be free or slave.
  • Struggle over Slavery turns violant

    Struggle over Slavery turns violant
    A group of proslavery settlers invade Kansas where they burned a hotel, looted homes, and threw printing presses into a river. This outraged Northeners.
  • Violance in Congress

    Violance in Congress
    In Congress, a Senator named Charles Sudner gave a speech how the crimes against Kansas was an assault on innocent territory. Afterwards, the nephew of Senator Butler, the man who was insulted, brutally beat Sudner with a metal-tipped cane until it broke in half.
  • Dred Scott case

    Dred Scott case
    In 1857, a slave named Dred Scott made a case for freedom since he waas a slave in a free state for a short time. This case in the Supreme Court ruled in favor of him still being a slave because they thought that as a slave, Dred Scott wasn't a citizen, therefor, he didn't have the right to apply for a case.
  • Republican party

    Republican party
    After the Kansas-Nebraska Act, antislavery people formed the Republican party. The Republican party is based on the idea that no man can own another man.
  • Lincoln-Douglass debate

    Lincoln-Douglass debate
    Rupublicans in Illinois nominated Abraham Lincoln to be president against Stephan Douglass.
  • John Brown's raid

    John Brown's raid
    John Brown was an insane man. He launched a raid on the weapons arsenal in Virginia. It was a complete failure with all of Brown's men being either captured or killed.
  • Abraham Lincoln become president

    Abraham Lincoln become president
    Abraham Lincoln is elected president with all votes being in the north and none being in the south.
  • South Carolina succedes

    South Carolina succedes
    On the day that Abraham Lincoln is elected, South Carolina votes to leave the union. They vote this because they realize that slavery will be banned now that Lincoln has become president.
  • 6 other states follow South Carolina

    6 other states follow South Carolina
    Following in South Carolina's footsteps, 6 other states succeed from the union in order to become the conferderate states of america