Evan Herkins's Engineering and Technology Timeline

  • Three Gorges Dam

    Three Gorges Dam
    The world's biggest and most powerful hydroelectric dam, located on the Yangtze River, the Three Gorges Dam produces 11 times as much electricity as the hoover dam. The dam is an example of China trying to become more environmentally-friendly with their energy harnessing.
  • Birth

    I was born on October 4th, 1999 at 2:54 P.M. at St. Mary's Hospital in Richmond, Virginia. At birth, I weighed in at 10 pounds and measured 24.5 inches. I was the third of four Herkins children. I was considered a very docile baby, either eating or sleeping 95% of the time.
  • iPod

    Apple's first handheld device, the iPod launch marked the beginning of a huge movement going forward for the company. After the original iPod came other variants, and eventually, based on the iPod Touch, came the iPhone, Apple's top selling product and biggest money maker.
  • SpaceX Created

    SpaceX Created
    Elon Musk's upstart aerospace engineering company is created on this date. It aimed to be able to bring back the aspiration of space travel, and today, they aim to go to Mars and bring supersonic travel to the mainstream market, revolutionizing the transportation industry.
  • Millau Viaduct

    Millau Viaduct
    The tallest bridge in the world, standing at a staggering 1,125 feet tall for each of the posts of the bridge, it was designed by a British architect and a French structural engineer. The estimated cost for the structure is 400 million euros. It is located above the valley of the River Tarn.
  • First Day of School

    I attended my first day of school at Twin Hickory Elementary School. I was at Twin Hickory with my older brother, who was in 2nd grade, and my older sister, who was in 5th. I would spend the next 6 years at this school before later moving on to Holman Middle School.
  • Severe Mouth Injury

    During a father-son soccer scrimmage, I was pushed by an adult into the back of another kid's head. After severe blood loss and lots of pain, doctors thought that I was going to lose my two front teeth, but I did not. This was a scary experience for me.
  • First football game

    I played my first ever football game for the Tuckahoe Tomahawks. This was a big moment in my life because I still play football until this day, and it remains a large part of my life. Although I took two years off between now and then, football has always been the sport I look forward to playing.
  • Burj Khalifa opens

    Burj Khalifa opens
    The world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, opened on this date. It also holds records for number of stories, longest elevator, and highest occupiable room. It is located in Abu Dhabu, United Arab Emirates. It currently stands at 2,722 ft tall.
  • First Day of High School

    On this day, I began to attend Deep Run High School. I would spend the next 4 years of my life here, and I was not liking it. The freedom of high school was slightly enticing and enjoyable, but nothing else really appealed to me. Sports became a mainstay in my life.
  • Large Hadron Collider

    Large Hadron Collider
    The Large Hadron collider, the world's biggest and most expensive particle collider, broke the world for the highest initial energy of 13 teraelectronvolts. The Large Hardon Collider allows for physicists to help further understand the laws of physics.
  • Oculus Rift

    Oculus Rift
    Although it started off as a Kickstarter project in 2012, it was purchased by Facebook in 2014 for an estimated 2 billion dollars. The virtual reality headset is an example of the advancements in the field of immersion, whether it be for video games or for education purposes.
  • License

    It may have been 3 months late, but I finally received my license and was a legal driver. Having my license meant a lot of freedom was granted to me, and that was awesome feeling. I would later receive my first car, although I had to share it with my older brother.
  • Creation of Modern-Day CAD

    Creation of Modern-Day CAD
    Before about 15 years ago, the designing of engineering components and whatnot was painstakingly difficult. This was in large part due to the lack of horsepower from the graphics cards at the time. With the advancements of GPU's during post-1995, programs like AutoCAD and Solidworks have drastically helped increase productivity of engineers.