
european union

  • paris treaty

  • paris agreement

    paris agreement
    linkThe agreement determined that stopped the effect of the occupation method for West Germany and accepted sovereign power of West Germany and approved the rearmament, participation to NATO. West Germany restored sovereignty since defeat in ten years and in this way realized the rearmament. At this time, there was the cold war. Thus, the world was divided in east and west. Received the help by the Marshal-plan and worked on revival of the economy and strengthened the ties with the Western countries
  • roma treaty

  • Brussel treaty

  • masstricht treaty

    masstricht treaty
    linkPopular name is European union treaty. it focus on currency integration and citizenship. EC(european community) develop into EU and it is the treaty that determined the EU foundation and introduces European currency unit, EURO as common currency. charactaristics are currency integration, Unification in diplomacy, the security in Europe and cooperation in police, refugees measures in each countries.
  • amsterdam treaty

    amsterdam treaty
    linkThe contents which respect citizenship and a personal right. and written in employment insurance, security. revision of masstricht treaty. aims are respecting the identity of each member country and realization of political economical socially more closely. enhance contents of the Maastricht Treaty and help to make later Nice treaty.
  • nice treaty

  • treaty of Lisbon

    reinforcement participation in european union