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European Union

  • Period: to

    Peace in Europe and the beginning of cooperation

  • End of World War II in Europe

    Most countries in Europe became in debt with the USA making it one of the most powerful countries in the world. Also, Europe was divided very alike to the actual division.
  • NATO is created

    The creation of NATO promoted collective defense, the contention of the Soviet expansion, and a stability in Europe through transatlantic cooperation.
  • European Coal and Steel Community

    The creation of the European Coal and Steel Community created an economic cooperation and prevented further conflict by integrating key industries among European nations.
  • Treaties of Rome: EEC and Euroatom

    The Treaty of Rome established the European Economic Community and Euratom, promoting the foundation for economic integration, cooperation, and peaceful development between European nations.
  • Birth of the European Parliament

    The birth of the European Parliament promoted a step forward to democratic representation and accountability in the decision-making processes of the European Union.
  • Period: to

    A period of economic growth

  • Creation of the European Free Trade Association

    The creation of the European Free Trade Association provided an alternative economic structure for European countries outside the EEC, promoting trade liberalization and cooperation between its member states.
  • Creation of the First Common Agricultural Policy

    The creation of the first Common Agricultural Policy ensured food security, stabilized agricultural markets, and put forward rural development.
  • Signing of the "Merger Treaty"

    The signing of the Merger Treaty stated the European Communities, improving efficiency and coherence in decision-making and laying the groundwork for further integration.
  • Beginning of the Customs Union

    The beginning of the Customs Union marked a significant step towards economic integration, facilitating trade and harmonizing tariffs between member states.
  • Period: to

    The first members join

  • Creation of the European Regional Development Fundation

    The creation of the European Regional Development Fundation attempted to reduce economic disparities, promote balanced development, and improved cohesion among regions within the European Union.
  • First direct elections to the European Parliament

    The first direct elections of the European Parliament increased democratic legitimacy and citizen engagement, strengthening the EU's representative governance.
  • Period: to

    The collapse of Communism

  • First European research programme

    The first European research programme fostered scientific collaboration, innovation, and technological advancement across European nations, leading to economic growth and global competitiveness.
  • Single European Act

    The Single European Act established the structure for completing the European Single Market, improving economic integration, competitiveness, and cooperation among European Union member states.
  • Launch of the Erasmus Programme

    The launch of the Erasmus program promoted cultural exchange, academic mobility, and European integration, creating understandment and cooperation among European youth.
  • Period: to

    Europe without frontiers

  • Maastrich Treaty

    The Maastricht Treaty laid the building blocks for the European Union, introducing the euro, promoting political integration, and advancing cooperation in areas such as justice and foreign policy.
  • European Economic Area

    The creation of the European Economic Area expanded the single market, encouraged economic integration, and facilitated cooperation between EU and EFTA member states, increasing trade and prosperity.
  • The euro is born

    The birth of the euro facilitated economic integration, promoted trade and investment, and strengthened the EU's global standing, symbolizing deeper European unity and cooperation.
  • Period: to

    Further expansion

  • Treaty of Nice

    The Treaty of Nice modernised EU institutions, magnified decision-making efficiency, and covered the way for enlargement, ensuring the Union's effectiveness in an expanding Europe.
  • UE Constitution

    The creation of the EU Constitution aimed to efficient decision-making processes, clarify the division of powers, and enhance democratic accountability.
  • Lisbon Treaty

    The creation of the Lisbon Treaty strengthened EU institutions, increased democratic accountability, and intensified the Union's ability to address global challenges effectively.
  • Period: to

    A changing decade

  • United Kingdom votes to leave the EU

    The United Kingdom's vote to leave the EU, known as Brexit, marked a historic shift in European integration, leading to discussions on sovereignty, immigration, and the future of the EU itself.
  • Period: to

    A united and resilient EU