
European Revolutions of 1848

  • Louis Philippe inherits the throne

    Louis Philippe inherits the throne
    After Charles X was forced out, Louis Philippe, his cousin, replaced him. Louis Philippe was part of a constitutional monarchy, petitioned by liberals. He was known as the "citizen king" because his people chose him.
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    Serbs revolt against the Ottomans

    The Ottomans ruled the Balkan people for over 300 years. During this time, leaders Karageorge and Milos Obrenovic led the Serbs against the Ottomans in two revolts gaining a degree of autonomy.
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    Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was an assembly of European leaders. Its goal to restore political and social order to Europe after the Napoleonic Era. Chaos followed the years after the Congress of Vienna due to differences in ideas.
  • Louis XVIII restored to French throne.

    Louis XVIII restored to French throne.
    After returning, he the Charter of French Liberties which allowed freedom of the press. He had a lot of power and many people did not like this. They wanted the old regime.
  • Greeks revolt against the Ottomans

    Greeks revolt against the Ottomans
    Initially, the Greeks did not work as one. Eventually, they unified and worked as a team. They had the support of the leaders of the rebellion and some romantic writers.
  • Charles X inherits the throne

    Charles X inherits the throne
    After Louis XVIII died, his brother inherited the throne. Charles X believed in absolutism. He limited some freedoms which caused turmoil among Paris.
  • Serbs gain control

    Serbs gain control
    The Serbs become self-governing. Though, they are still under Ottoman Empire rule. Being a state under the empire gave them protection. They do not become completely independent until 1878.
  • Belgian Revolt

    Belgian Revolt
    After the unification of Austrian Netherlands and the Kingdom of Holland, the Belgians wanted separation due to the vast amount of differences between the two cultures. The Belgians revolted with support from Britain and France gaining independence in 1831.
  • Greeks gain Independence

    Greeks gain Independence
    With the help of Britain, France, and Russia, the Ottomans were forced to allow Greek independence. After gaining independence, the other European countries made the Greeks take Otto von Wittelsbach as their king in order to express the countries' distaste for revolution.
  • Paris uprising

    Paris uprising
    Charles X's actions angered the French citizens and caused uproar in Paris. Parisians barricaded the streets and stoned solders. They became in control for several days.
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    The November Uprising (Polish-Russian War)

    In hopes of restoring their homeland, Polish nationalists lead an uprising against Russia and fail. The revolt would include students, army officers, and landowners. They were easily suppressed by Russian force
  • February Days

    February Days
    After a recession hit France, the government quieted critics. This led people to be angry and protest in the streets. Many protestors were killed. During this time, King Louis Phillipe would be overthro
  • Italian Revolts

    Italian Revolts
    The primary reason for these revolts was Hapsburg domination and the want to end it. Independent republics would be formed and the pope would be temporarily kicked out. This ended when Austrian and French troops helped fix things.
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    Austrian Empire Revolutions

    During this time, revolts broke out in big cities. Metternich tried his best to subdue them but they were easily spread. Eventually, the government would gain control back.
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    The June Days

    After the shutdown of government workshops, workers resisted this change. Bourgeois liberals suppressed these workers and peasants. Peasants were worried about loss of land joined the liberals.
  • Louis Napoleon is elected

    Louis Napoleon is elected
    Louis Napoleon, the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, portrayed himself as the man of the poor. This appealed to the working class. He offered a Second Empire, and brought economic growth during his reign.
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    Civil War