Erikson Timeline Assignment

By Hihanna
  • Industry VS Inferiority

    Industry VS Inferiority
    Monica (9) scored the winning goal for her soccer team. After the game, her parents took her out for milkshakes to celebrate. Her coach told Monica that she was proud of how much she had improved this year and that she was looking forward to seeing her back on the field next year. In the 4th stage of Eriskon's stages of development, if children are uplifted and encouraged by family and teachers they build a sense of confidence in their abilities, if not they begin to doubt themselves.
  • Period: to

    Eriskon's 8 Stages of Development

    Focused on "Monica" during 3 of Eriskon's 8 Stages of Development
  • Intimacy VS Isolation

    Intimacy VS Isolation
    Monica, now age 19 is starting the second semester of her first year at a college far away from her old family and friends. She is having trouble making strong connections with friends. As a result she often feels sad and homesick. In stage 6 of Erikson's stages of development, young adults struggle between building close and meaningful relationships or failing to which can lead to depression and strong feelings of loneliness.
  • Generativity VS Stagnation

    Generativity VS Stagnation
    Monica is turning 45 this year. She is now happily married and with 2 bright children. Monica feels she has and will continue to contribute positivley to the world. She is looking forward to help build houses for those in need with her coworkers in the spring. In the 2nd to last stage of Erikson's stages of development adults focus their time and energy on family and work. If they do not have a family or a promising career they feel unsuccessful and isolated from the world.