Eriksons timeline

By jtay24
  • Period: to

    The birth of Monique

    Monique is born to her parents John and Susan. Monique's parents are able to take good care of her, this gives her the reason to trust from infancy. This is an example of trust vs. mistrust in eriksons first stage of development.
  • adolescence

    Monique is at the 5th stage of development in her life. She is going through many bodily changes. She is also figuring out how to deal with these changes. She is very reliant on others options weather they be positive or negative.
  • middle adulthood

    middle adulthood
    After Monique moved away from her parents, got married and had children, she is now in a stage in her life where she is to provide for her family and her parents. This 7th stage in Erikson's eight psychosocial stages of development is important because Monique is no longer taking care of only herself, but her loved ones as well. Sometimes in mid adulthood, people experience a midlife crisis. A midlife crisis could be considered as feeling "meaninglessness, turmoil, and confusion"