Erikson Timeline

By BryzyG
  • Trust vs Mistrust

    Trust vs Mistrust
    Sarah is a little girl who just turned 10 months old. She is really hungry but the only way she communicate is by crying. She's crying now but her mother ignores her for awhile before handing her a toy. She cries harder but is ignored. This stage is about babies learning to trust and depend on primary caregivers. If their needs are ignored or misunderstood then the baby can develop a sense of mistrust. Through life they may not trust that people will come through because their needs weren't met.
  • Sarah dresses herself: Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

    Sarah dresses herself: Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
    Sarah is now a toddler with a growing sense of self. One day she tries to pick out her own outfit and get herself dressed, but her mom stops her. Her mom says that the outfit looks weird and then picks a new one out and dresses Sarah. Sarah feels ashamed at having disappointed her mother and doubt she's capable of doing it again. This stage is about gaining confidence and autonomy in completing tasks independently. If this is discouraged it can lead to feelings of shame and doubt.
  • Sarah makes a playdate: Initiative vs Guilt

    Sarah makes a playdate: Initiative vs Guilt
    Sarah is now in school and has made new friends. One day at recess, Sarah creates a new game and makes plans with her friends to have a playdate. At home she brings her plan up to her mom. Her mom says that the game doesn't make sense and her friends can't come over. Sarah's confidence turns into guilt at having bothered her mom with a "bad" idea. This stage is about developing the ability to make plans and gain independence. If parents don't give them freedom to explore, they can develop guilt.