Erikson's Timeline

  • Sheila Moves Again - Identity versus Identity Confusion

    Sheila Moves Again - Identity versus Identity Confusion
    Sheila (age 17) moved to a new city every few years with her family and ended up having to attend a new school again. Sheila had a hard time expressing herself and often questioned her identity and where she fits in. In Erikson’s fifth stage, identity versus identity confusion, the crisis is between developing a coherent sense of self (identity) or failing to achieve an awareness of who they are, what they are capable of doing, and where they stand within their culture.
  • Sheila Ties the Knot - Intimacy versus Isolation

    Sheila Ties the Knot - Intimacy versus Isolation
    Sheila (now age 25) has since built a great sense of self-identity over the last 8 years. Sheila has been with her boyfriend Trevor for 2 years and they decide to get married and essentially become one. In Erikson’s sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is between committing oneself to a long-term relationship or deciding to refrain from intimate or committed relationships, making them isolated.
  • Sheila Ponders her Life - Ego Integrity versus Despair

    Sheila Ponders her Life - Ego Integrity versus Despair
    Sheila (age 65) continues to live a long, healthy life with her husband of 40 years. Many great years are still in store for her, and Sheila enjoys looking back on what her early years brought her. Although many obstacles, Sheila figures she wouldn’t be where she is without them. In Erikson’s eighth stage, ego integrity versus despair, the crisis is between accepting one’s lifetime despite life’s many challenges or deciding to live in a state of regret and “what if’s” for the rest of one’s life.