
Erikson's stages of Micheal Jackson

  • Trust vs Mistrust (stage 1)

    Trust vs Mistrust (stage 1)
    As a small child in the Jackson house hold Micheal was suppose to be learning trust and mistrust with his caregivers, but with Joe Jackson( father of Micheal) not showing much attention to Micheal along with contentiously scaring him to stay straight this lead Micheal down the mistrust route of development as he was unable to fully trust his caregivers, the people around him, and even himself.
  • Initiative vs Guilt(stage 2)

    Initiative vs Guilt(stage 2)
    As a young Micheal watched his older brothers start in the entertainment industry, young Micheal had made the decision to join them and use his smooth dance moves and great voice to join them one day. This shows that young Micheal made a choice to join the entertainment industry. By Erikson's account of Initiative vs guilt this was the stage that young preschool kids try to take some control over their environment, but if they try to take on too much they will have the feeling of guilt.
  • Industry vs Inferiority (stage 4)

    Industry vs Inferiority (stage 4)
    With Micheal establishing himself on stage with the Jackson 5 with James Brown like moves and a powerful voice the Jackson 5 would sign their first record deal in 1968. In Erickson's Industry vs Inferiority, self confidantes is a huge part to young Micheal's feeling of worth to his bothers and to himself. Other children may see this in their lives as their special talents being recognized and building up their own self- confidence.