Gcse english literature

English Literature

By andrews
  • 450

    The Old Period 450-1066

    The Old Period 450-1066
    Existence few surviving texts, this period extended between 5 and 12 century, it is a west germanic language, is represented by four dialects and reflect non english influence
  • Period: 450 to 1066

    Important event in the old english period

    -Beowulf first great literary work in 800, developed in Escandinavia, the poetry was a art.
    -Anglo saxon literarature
  • 1066

    Middle Period 1066-1500

    Middle Period 1066-1500
    This period was a time very rapid in the development of the language, later literature to the norman conquest, works frequently of religiously didactic
  • Period: 1387 to 1387

    Literature middle period

    The Canterbuly Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer), 1387, called the father of english poetry
  • 1500

    The English Renaissance 1500-1660

    The English Renaissance 1500-1660
    In this time the literature begined to flourish, can be atribuited to the Queen Elizabeth (1558-1603), was found the discoveries and adventures books
  • 1500

    Event in the renaissance period

    Event in the renaissance period
    Influence of Greco-roman thinkers
    The printing press
  • The Neoclassical Period 1660-1700

    The Neoclassical Period 1660-1700
    Called also the restauration period, emphasis on reason and logic, in France developed (Rousseau, Voltaire), emphatized in the human nature, the men are created equal
  • The 18 Century Period 1700-1798

    The 18 Century Period 1700-1798
    In this time was established the system capital in England, entered the age of golden and the power passed to the Parliament and the cabinet ministers, was a period of peace
  • The romanticism Period 1798-1837

    The romanticism Period 1798-1837
    Is begined after of the french revolution, developed in new england, influenced by Eastern philoshopy, teh publications Lirical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge by Taylor were very importants
  • Victorian Period 1837-1901

    Victorian Period 1837-1901
    This was a long period of peace and stability in England, repressed sexuality and time of rigid morals, teh literature seen as breadge between the romanticism and modernism,
  • Edwardian Period 1901-1914

    Edwardian Period 1901-1914
    This period spans form Victotia´s death, to the beging the I world war, in this time seen the luxury and materialistics life, distinction between literature and popular fiction, some important writters were Joshep Conrad, George Bernard, A.C Bradley
  • The Modern Period 1914-1940

    The Modern Period 1914-1940
    The forms and content reflect the confusion of the modern life, this were importants writers and works D.H Lawrence-Sons and Lovers, T.S Elliot-The Hollow Men, the first world war had shaken the moral, the life spiritual and faith, many words are relationated with science and technology
  • The Posmodern Period 1940-2000

    The Posmodern Period 1940-2000
    This time was influenced by Freud, Sartre, Camus, describes tendencies of world war II, the writers reject the meaning between texts and ideas, the psotmodern stories are novels on parofy or satiries, reveals skepticism to create meaning
  • Contemporary Period 2000-Today

    Contemporary Period 2000-Today
    This period was influenced by John Gardner the most representative by the ethical and literature,tendencies as gay, lesbian and strong feminist are evident, develops war cold between the allies and urss, the english and filipino continued to be major media literature