Energy Timeline

  • US coal production begins near Richmond, Virginia

    US coal production begins near Richmond, Virginia
  • Ben Franklin proved that static electricity and lightning were the same

    Ben Franklin proved that static electricity and lightning were the same
  • Coal begins to be used to power early steam engines

    Coal begins to be used to power early steam engines
    Date not exact
  • Joseph Henry invents the electrical relay which could send electrical currents over long distances.

    Joseph Henry invents the electrical relay which could send electrical currents over long distances.
    Date not exact
  • Samuel Morse successfully opens the electric telegraph network, enable the machine to send messages long distances across wires.

    Samuel Morse successfully opens the electric telegraph network, enable the machine to send messages long distances across wires.
  • Successful trial of the light bulb by Thomas Edison

    Successful trial of the light bulb by Thomas Edison
  • The first practical coal-fired electric generating station set up in New York City to supply electricity for household lights.

    The first practical coal-fired electric generating station set up in New York City to supply electricity for household lights.
    Date not exact
  • Albert Einstein comes up with the formula of mass-energy equivalence

    Albert Einstein comes up with the formula of mass-energy equivalence
    Date not exact
  • Herman Blumgart, a physician, uses radioactive tracers to diagnose heart disease.

    Herman Blumgart, a physician, uses radioactive tracers to diagnose heart disease.
    Date not exact
  • Frank Bridgers designed the world's first commercial office building that features solar water heating

    Frank Bridgers designed the world's first commercial office building that features solar water heating
    Not exact but around