
Employment, Labor, and Wages

  • NYC printers demanded higher pay

    NYC printers demanded higher pay
    NYC printers demanded higher pay, first attempt to organize labor in America. Before long, unions o shoemakers, capenters, and tailors developed, each hoping to negotiate agreements that covered hours, pay and working conditions.
  • immigrants threatened unions

    immigrants threatened unions
    immigrants threatened unions that were working to preserve existing wage and labor standards because they were arriving in such large numbers and worked for so cheap
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Abe Lincoln becomes president, shortly followed by the outbreak of the Civil War. The origins of the American Civil War lay in the complex issues of slavery, competing understandings of federalism, party politics, expansionism, sectionalism, tariffs, and economics.
  • AFL

    The American Federation of Labor (AFL) began in 1886 as an organization of craft or trade unions, later added several industrial unions
  • Ludlow Massacre

    Ludlow Massacre
    Ludlow Massacre,United Mine Workers of America striked for 14 months against mining company for better pay and working conditions, ended in a fire, dozens killed *pictured is the maccacre aftermath
  • great depression

     great depression
    Civil War led to high prices and greater demand for goods and services, great depression
  • Norris-LaGuardia Act

    Norris-LaGuardia Act
    economic output reached bottom, Norris-LaGuardia Act prevented federal courts rom issuing rulings against unions engaged in peaceful strikes, pickets, or boycotts
  • National Labor Relations Act

    National Labor Relations Act
    National Labor Relations Act/Wagner Act established right of unions to collevtive bargaining
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    Fair Labor Standards Act applied to businesses that engage in interstate commerce and set the first minimim wage
  • Labor-Management Relations Act

    Labor-Management Relations Act
    Labor-Management Relations Act/Taft-Hartley Act allowed states to pass right-to-work laws
  • Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act

    Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act
    Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act/Landrum-Griffin Act required unions to file regular financial reports with the government and limited the amount of money union oicials could borrow from the union

    disagreement over best way to spend funds resulted in breakup of the AFL-CIO