
Egypt's Uprising

  • The Day of the Revolt

    The Day of the Revolt
    People from all around Egypt went out to the streets and started protesting. They were not a lot compared to how many they were in the Friday of Anger. They addressed Mubarak and his government.
  • The Friday of Anger

    The Friday of Anger
    Protests grew rapidly in Egypt especially in Tahrir Square. The numbers grew from tens of thousand to hundreds of thounds after the Friday Prayer in that day.
  • Mubarak's first televised address

    Mubarak's first televised address
    Mubarak made his first address on TV. He stated that he is going to stay in power until the next term of election. He said that he will not be running for president for the next term. He wanted to do this, as he says, so that the power would move peacefully and with no problems.
  • The Incident of the Camel

    The Incident of the Camel
    Some of pro-Mubarak’s government rode camels holding sticks and went into the Tahrir Square and started hitting and killing the protesters. TV reporters were also being abused by those people.
  • Multi-Religous Protests

    Multi-Religous Protests
    Muslims and Christians united at this day and started protesting with each other, side by side. Even after the church there refused to join the revolution at the beginning.
  • The Friday of Departure

    The Friday of Departure
    When Mubarak did not give away his power, as people expected, on the TV address he made the day before, anger and frustration filled the streets of Cairo and Egypt. At this day, people went crazy because Mubarak did not move from his position. At 6:00 pm, Cairo time, Suleiman, vise-president, announced Mubarak's resignation. Celebrations were immediately followed these news.