
Educational Psychology

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    During Roman times, Quintillan

    During Roman times, Quintillan
    Public rather than private education to perserve democratic idelas. Condemmed physical force as method of discipline. Teachers to take into account individual differences taking time to study unique characteristics of their students. Criteria for teacher selection.
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    Jewish ritual of passover

    Jewish ritual of passover
    Anticipates schoolarship into aptitude-treatment interactions
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    5th century B.C Democritus

    5th century B.C Democritus
    He wrote on the advantages conferred by schooling and the influence of the home on learning.
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    Plato and Aristotle discussed the kinds of education appropriate to different kinds of people

    Plato and Aristotle discussed the kinds of education appropriate to different kinds of people
    The training of the body and the cultivation of psychomotor skills; the formation of good character; the possibilities and limits of moral education;the effects of music, poetry, and the other arts on the development of the individual; the role of the teacher; the relations between teacher and student; the means and methods of teaching; the nature of learning; the order of learning; affect and learning; and learning apart from a teacher
  • 1510

    Vives (1492-1540)

    Vives (1492-1540)
    Individual differences and a need to adjust instructions for all students and engange student interest as well as the need to be evaluated on basis of their own past accomplishments and not in comparison with other students
  • Commenius (1592- 1971)

    Commenius (1592- 1971)
    The use of visual aids in instruction. Media and instructional research. parents have a role to play in the schooling of their teacher
  • Johan Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841)

    Johan Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841)
    Prepare the way for the scientific study of education: schema theory. Promoted the 5 formal steps for teaching virtually any subject matter a) preparation (of the mind of the student) b) presentation (of the material to be learned) c) comparison d) generalization e) application
  • Grandfathers of educational psychology: William James, G. Stanley Hall and John Dewey

    Grandfathers of educational psychology: William James, G. Stanley Hall and John Dewey
    William James: Education as a crucial element of society, place for habits to be acquired by designed.
    Stanley Hall: Founder of the child-study movement. APA'S organizer and its first president.
    John Dewey: Psychology text in 1896. Relations between stimuli and responses; part of previous and future chains, because that is the nature of experience.
  • "Talks to teachers on psychology"

    "Talks to teachers on psychology"
    First popular educational psychology text, including speeches first delivered in 1842
  • Joseph Mayer Rice (1857-1934)

    Joseph Mayer Rice (1857-1934)
    The father on research on teaching
  • Frank N. Freeman (1938)

    Frank N. Freeman (1938)
    He wrote the conclusion to the 1938 yearbook of the national society for the study of education, a publication summarizing the achivements ofthe scientific movement in education.
  • Thorndike (1874-1947)

    Thorndike (1874-1947)
    He had absolute certainty about the potential of a rational, scientific approach to education. Every connection is analyzable and then analyzed
  • A. D. Wodruff (1950)

    A. D. Wodruff (1950)
    Required the titles as learning in the schoolroom measuring students progress, and social psychology of the schoolroom
  • Lauren Resnick (1981)

    Lauren Resnick (1981)
    It is fundamental research on the processes of instruction and learning
  • Lee Shulman (1981)

    Lee Shulman (1981)
    The importance of the study of school subjects
  • Erickson (1986)

    Erickson (1986)
    Rather than biostatistics, is becoming an important source of new ideas for educational psychologists who choose to work in school settings on genuine educational problems
  • Snow, Corno & Jackson

    Snow, Corno & Jackson
    Issues of conation and volition
  • References

    Berliner, D. (1993). The 100-year journey of educational psychology. October 20, 2017. Arizona State University. Website: http://www.wou.edu/~girodm/611/Berliner_100years.pdf link: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/edpsy/chapter/history-of-educational-psychology/