
Economy and Development

  • Sep 1, 1500

    The Native Economy

    The Native Economy
    The natives used the Barter system. It was a trading system used to obtain whatever both sides needed. Trades would happen between different families, groups, and tribes. Their was no currency or sense of ownership. The impact of economy had an effect on the modes of transportation and the role of individuals. Canoes and snow shoes were invented to help the travel to trade with. For the people, the men hunted, the women cultivated, and the elderly looked after the children.
  • Period: Sep 1, 1500 to

    Economy and Development

  • Agricultural Activity and the Trigangular Trade

    Agricultural Activity and the Trigangular Trade
    Some farmers in New France would plant just enough to provide for his or her family. This was called subsistence agriculture.
    Jean Talon once tried to diversify the economy by trying out a new system that which he called the triangular trade. This would eventually fail. At the time there was too much demand for fur trading and not enough people with complex skills to diversify.
  • French Alliances, Rivalries, and Occupation of the Territory

    French Alliances, Rivalries, and Occupation of the Territory
    The French made alliances with certain native groups (such as the Iroquois) with the goal of trading between them. To help secure the alliance, the Europeans were sometimes involved in native conflict and the natives were sometimes involved in European conflict. The French had rivalries with the British and the allied native group the Algonquins. At the time, the French had an immense territory, but had a very poor population.
  • Chartered Companies

    Chartered Companies
    This is the Company of One Hundred Associates. The chartered company system was based on privileges and obligations that companies had. They were the only ones permitted to the fur trade and they were suppose to develop the colony. However, they didn't increase the population because having more people means that they would hunt fur themselves and take some of the company's business. Therefore the population of New France was small and mostly men.
  • The Effect of the Economy on the Different Colonies

    The Effect of the Economy on the Different Colonies
    New France: Territory started small but then grew, population was small, and the main purpose of the colony was to export fur back to the mother country.
    13 Colonies: Territory stayed relatively the same size, population was much larger then NF, and the colony focused on diverse farming and some fur trade.
  • Mercantilism

    Mercantilism is a financial organization theory. At the time, European countries wanted to be the richest nation (in gold) as possible. They would accomplish this by exporting a lot more than they would import. Materials would be shipped to the mother country, finished products were made there and then sold back in the colony. The country would get taxes from the product being made in the their country rather then the colony.
  • The British Economy based on Fur

    The British Economy based on Fur
    Fur trading economy in now in the hands of the English. They created the North-West Company (1783) after the American Revolution. Eventually they merged with the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1821. By the beginning of the 19th century, there was a sudden decline of the fur trade.
  • The British Economy based on Timber

    The British Economy based on Timber
    The British had the largest navy at the time so the demand for timber was very high. Back in Europe, there was a blockade created by Napoleon (1806) which forced the English to get their timber from the colonies. New job were created from this such as lumberjacks and loggers. The timber economy also had an improvement in the development of transportation such as canals, railroads, and steamships. This also helped create new areas such as Mauricie, Outaouais, and Laurentides.
  • Exploitation of Resources

    Exploitation of Resources
    The exploitation of resources often depends on the time period and sector (agriculture, forest, mining, hydroelectricity, etc.) Natural resources are exploited as well (ore, pulp and paper).The source of capital is different in the different economic sectors. This is also the birth of Crown corporations. Which are companies owned by the government.
  • Industrial and Economical Developement

    Industrial and Economical Developement
    1st phase (1867-1900) Factories produced finished products
    2nd phase (1900-1915) Extraction of natural resources
    WW1 (1915-1918) Stimulates economy
    Roaring Twenties (1920-1928) Good economy after WW1
    Great Depression (1929-1939) Stock market crash
    WW2 (1939-1945) Gets us out of the depression because of the money being spent on the war. Women working in factories, men working overseas (double income)
    Post-war period (1945-1970) Immigration (start new lives)
    Since 1970 Hydroelectricity(James Bay)
  • Workers' Demands

    Workers' Demands
    Since the birth of factories, there was a development of unions. The first unions are CTCC that become CSN, FTQ, and CSQ. The workers had demands which would allude to better working and living conditions. To achieve demands the workers also participated in strikes and lockouts.
  • Urban Expansion and the Opening of New Regions

    Urban Expansion and the Opening of New Regions
    Urban expansion is the development in the cities. This is causing a development in services and infrastructures. Services being transportation, hospitals, and education (etc.). Infrastructures being aqueducts and sewers.
    Development of suburbs.
    Continuation of Rural exodus.
    There is also regional development which is linked to the development of different industries and the exploitation of resources. (Abitibi, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Mauricio, Côte-Nord, and Gaspésie...)
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression started because of the stock market crash in 1929. People were buying shares in companies with borrowed money and when debts were called, the stocks plummeted. There were also massive unemployment rates and many people were starving. WW2 was the main factor that got us out of the depression but there were some government solutions that helped as well (public works projects, work camps and direct aid).
  • The Quiet Revolution

    The Quiet Revolution
    The Quiet Revolution or La Revolution Tranquille started in Quebec with the defeat of the Union Nationale by Jean Lesage and the Liberal Party. This revolution was a process of social, economic, and political reform in the 1960s because of the traditionalism under premier Maurice Duplessis. It can be called the beginning of the welfare state, where there is an increase in government implication.