East timor0


By 15add
  • Period: to

    East timor and the UN

  • Division into East and West

    Division into East and West
    The island of Timor has been divided into the east and west territory. Portugal is in possesion of the East Timor Terirtory and indonesia is in posession of the west. Creating a border rihgt in the middle of the island, which caused alot of tension.
  • Timor and the Dependencies

    Timor and the Dependencies
    "Timor and the Dependencies" have been added by the United Nations General Assembly to its list of non-self governing territories.
  • The violent clash between East and West.

    The violent clash between East and West.
    Since East Timor being under possesion of Portugal. Portugal acknowledges the apllicability of the United Naitons Charter provisions having to do with the right of non self governing territories and colonial territories admisistered in it, East Timor included to independence. With this news, it sparked an outburst in the West Timorese. The violent clashes between groups favoring independence, and thoose favoring intergration to Indonesia. As a result, Portugal withdawls East Timor.
  • 27th in Indonesia

    27th in Indonesia
    In the year 1976, East Timor has been annexed the 27th province in Indonesia. The United Nations never recognizes this intergration.
  • Independence Massacre

    Independence Massacre
    Several East Timorese Independence supporters were killed by the non supporters at Dilli's Santa Cruz Cemetary.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nobel Peace Prize
    The leaders of the East Timorese Independence movement, Bishop Carlos Belo and Jose Ramos Horta, were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize during the year 1996
  • End to Violence.

    End to Violence.
    An agreement was initiated by the Indonesia's National Human Rights Comission. The signing of the agreement was welcomed by the Secretary General- Annan, which commits all parties in East Timor to end Violence in the Territory.
  • Peacekeeping along the borders.

    Peacekeeping along the borders.
    The Indonesian Armed Forces and the Un peacekeeping forced agreed to merge and launch joint security operations, along the border of East and West Timor.

    East Timor has become an Indepedent state.