
Early American History

By ARS2016
  • The Battle of Jumonville Glen - The Beginning of the French and Indian War

    The Battle of Jumonville Glen - The Beginning of the French and Indian War
    The Battle of Jumonville Glen was a skirmish between Colonial Virgina Forces and French Forces, this event was the spark that lighted the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years War.
  • Treaty of Hubertusburg and Treaty of Paris was Signed - End of the French and Indian War

    Treaty of Hubertusburg and Treaty of Paris was Signed - End of the French and Indian War
    The Treaty of Hubertusburg and the Treaty of Paris was the Treaty that ended the French and Indian War, or Seven Years War. All of Land Claimed by France was given to Great Britain.
  • The Sugar Act was Passed by British Parliament

    The Sugar Act was Passed by British Parliament
    The Sugar Act was passed by British Parliament. This increased the Taxes of already struggling colonists. This gave question to the Colonists of whether to stay with Britain or Split up with them, this gave the term 'No Taxation without Representation'.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party is when Patriots against British Colonial Rule dumped over 300 chests of Tea into the Boston Harbor. This gave the Dutch East India Company a huge loss in finances.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord - The Beginning of the Revolutionary War

    Battle of Lexington and Concord - The Beginning of the Revolutionary War
    A Standoff at a Colonial Town called Lexington turned into a bloody battle between Revolutionar Colonists and British Forces when a shot was fired between the two forces. Nobody knows who fired that shot. That shot was known as 'The Shot heard around the World'.
  • The Second Continental Congress Ratifies the Declaration of Independence

    The Second Continental Congress Ratifies the Declaration of Independence
    On July 4th, 1776. The Majority of the Second Continental Congress voted and ratifed the Declaration of Independece. This Document self-declared America Independent from British Colonial Rule.
  • The Treaty of Paris - The End of the Revolutionary War

    The Treaty of Paris - The End of the Revolutionary War
    The Treaty of Paris was the Treaty between Newly Independent America and Great Britain. This Treaty ended the Revolutionary War, with the United States of America gaining Independence from Great Britain.
  • George Washington's Inaguration

    George Washington's Inaguration
    On April 30th, 1789, George Washington was Inagurated as the First President of the United States of America.
  • The Bill of Rights was Ratified

    The Bill of Rights was Ratified
    On December 15th, 1791, the Bill of Rights was offically ratified by Congress. This Document contains the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.
  • Founding of Slater Mill

    Founding of Slater Mill
    The Slater Mill, founded by Samuel Slater, was the first Textile Mill in the United States. This was a big Leap in American Industrialzation.
  • The Eleventh Amendment was Officially Ratified

    The Eleventh Amendment was Officially Ratified
    The Eleventh AMendment was officially ratified by Congress on Feburary 7th, 1795. This allowed states to be warned that they were being sued by someone else.
  • The Twelfth Amendment was Ratified

    The Twelfth Amendment was Ratified
    The Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution was officially ratified on June 15th, 1804. In an event of a tiebreaker in the electoral college, the House of Representatives would Elect a President, and the Senate would Elect a Vice President.
  • The United States Declares war on Great Britian - Beginning of the War of 1812

    The United States Declares war on Great Britian - Beginning of the War of 1812
    On June 18th, 1812, the United States Declares war on Great Britian for many reasons, this started the War of 1812
  • The Burning of Washington

    The Burning of Washington
    During the War of 1812, on August 24th, 1814, the British Forces had successfully burnt down the Original White House.
  • The Treaty of Ghent - End of the War of 1812

    The Treaty of Ghent - End of the War of 1812
    The Treaty of Ghent was officially ratified on Feburary 18th, 1815. This Ended the War of 1812
  • The Republic of Texas was Recognized by the United States

    The Republic of Texas was Recognized by the United States
    The Republic of Texas was Officially Recognized by the United States on Feburary 28th, 1825. This Also led to a future war, the Mexican-American War.
  • The Thornton Affair - The Beginning of the Mexican-American War

    The Thornton Affair - The Beginning of the Mexican-American War
    The Thornton Affair was a Skirmish between American Forces and Mexican Forces.This Event had bagun the Mexican-American War.
  • The California Gold Rush Begins

    The California Gold Rush Begins
    On Januray 24th, 1848. Gold was found in Coloma, California by James W. Marshall. Word Quickly Spread around, and the California Gold Rush had Begun.
  • The Treaty of Guadulupe Hidalgo was Signed - End of the Mexican-American War

    The Treaty of Guadulupe Hidalgo was Signed - End of the Mexican-American War
    On Feburary 2nd, 1848, the Treaty of Guadulupe Hidalgo was signed by Mexican and American Troops, ending the Mexican-American War. This Gave land to the Republic of Texas, which would soon be annexed into the United States.
  • South Carolina Secedes from the Union.

    South Carolina Secedes from the Union.
    On December 20th, 1860, Shortly after the Election of President Abraham Lincoln, South Carolina had officially seceded from the Union. Ten other states soon followed and seceded from the Union. These eleven seceded states formed the Confederate States of America.
  • The Battle of Fort Sumter - The Beginning of the Civil War.

    The Battle of Fort Sumter - The Beginning of the Civil War.
    At 4:30am on April 12th, 1861, Confederate Forces attacked the Union Fort Sumter. This Event had started the Civil War.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
    On July 1st, 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg had begun. This three day war was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War, this was also a major turning point of the war, turning into the odds of the Union.
  • General Robert E. Lee Surrenders to General Ulysses S. Grant - End of the Civil War

    General Robert E. Lee Surrenders to General Ulysses S. Grant - End of the Civil War
    On April 9th, 1865, the Confederate General Robert E. Lee had Surrendered to the Union General Ulysses S. Grant. This Ended the Civil War, with the Union Victiory, and the Confederate States of America was once again a part of the United States of America.
  • Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln
    On April 14th, 1865, John Wilkes Booth had successfully assassinated President Abraham Lincoln at Fords Theatre. Abraham Lincoln had died the next day.
  • Thirteenth Amendment was Ratified

    Thirteenth Amendment was Ratified
    On December 18th, 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment was officially ratified. This Amendment officially abolished all forms of Slavery in the United States.