Due process

Due Process

  • 6:00 pm

    Judith Stover comes home and finds Samantha Stover on the living room floor, not responding. She calls the police.
  • 6:30pm

    Police arrive and question Judith Stover, and get names of friends they can talk to
  • 7:00pm

    Police question friends and find out that Samantha got in an argument with Alyssa Russell that day about money.
  • 7:15pm

    Police question Alyssa Russel, who has no alibi for where she was from 4:15 to 5 pm, which was the time of Samantha's death
  • 7:30pm

    Police talk to the Stover's neighbors and they claim they saw a green car arrive "around 2:30 and leave sometime past 3" the other neighbor said they saw the car return "about 4 or so" but didn't see what time it left. Both neighbors had alibi's.
  • 7:45pm

    Police question Alyssa about being at the house a second time, and she said she had to return Samantha's keys and purse, which she left in her car. But when she returned Samantha was laying on the floor. Alyssa says she got scared and left.
  • Period: to

    Murder of Samantha Stover

  • 8:00am

    Police get search warrant for Alyssa's car - and find Samantha's purse and keys as well as blood on the steering wheel.
  • 10:00am

    Police confirm that the blood on Alyssa's steering wheel is Samantha's.
  • 10:30am

    Police question Alyssa again, and ask why she never reported the body, and left the keys and purse in her car. Alyssa confesses to killing Samantha, and explains what happened.
  • 11:00am

    Alyssa Russell is arressted for the murder of Samantha Stover. The trial does not go to jury.