
Domestic: What it's like to be a cop in America

  • "Cell phone guns"

    "Cell phone guns"
    Wherever a cop shows up today, so do people with cell-phone cameras. They hold them out from their bodies, like shields, and up in the faces of the officers, like taunts. “They got a cell-phone ‘gun,'” says Anthony Jones, from TIME magazine, who like Peszko patrols some of the city’s roughest neighborhoods. The phones have become so common in the crowds that are increasingly thronging arrests that the department circulated a flyer showing a “gun” with the barrel opened to hold an iPhone.
  • Cops are real people too

    Cops are real people too
    Keyssar, from time magazine said she particularly remembers one instance when, between pat downs and car stops, both officers who she was shadowing pulled out their iPhones and FaceTimed their children. At that moment, she says, their tense demeanor disappeared: “They became parents. They became like anybody else. Seeing those very quick transitions between police officers and moms or dads, that was pretty powerful for me. This is important because if shows officers are people too.
  • Unease among law enforcement

    Unease among law enforcement
    Fox now stated that many cops and law enforcement are looking over their shoulders now a days because of all the treats put towards cops. They have a dangerous job that they have to work day and night. Some cops have done the wrong thing by shooting unarmed civilians but those civilians didn't coroperate with what the cop was telling them to do and the cop probably got scared. This is important because how are our cops supposed to do their jobs when they feel uneasy about it.
  • Body Cameras

    Body Cameras
    CNN news has had reports & articles all over their website about how it has been debated that cops should or should not have to wear body cameras because of the reports of cops being racist or racial segregation starting back up. This is important because a body camera can protect a cop or if a cop is accused of something, they can prove what did or did not happen.
  • More bad people than bad police officers

    More bad people than bad police officers
    Detroit news stated cops have suddenly become the new piñata of the community activist crowd, which sure seems to be winning its battle to make our men and women in blue the latest target of their anti-establishment battle with American society. The stories, and attendant controversies, all carry the same theme: The cops were wrong even if the evidence showed different. This is important because there is more bad people in our community then there is bad police officers.