dianas timeline

By 9205086
  • Period: to


  • Period: to


  • infant brings to cwral

  • Period: to


  • Period: to


  • heart beats regularly eye and ears being to form

  • finger prints form

  • eyelids can open and weight can be up to 6.6 pounds

  • a baby can hold its head up and reach for objects

  • bones aqre visible heart beat can be heard witha stethoscope

  • heart developz right and lef chambers

  • Period: to


  • Period: to


  • ovulations in felmales and sprem production in males begin

  • Period: to


  • had fun with friends ! :)

    . When I went to ambis with my friends and my cousin Nikkei. We had a lot of fun. We danced and chilled with people in ambis.
  • at the mall with emily :)

    When I went to the mall with Emily. We had a fun time looking at the clothes and shoes. We also saw a lot of people that goes to centennial
  • party!!

    When I went to Juliana party. I was with Emily Ramos and lot of other people. We were dancing and having a good time in the cold.
  • a better start :)

    When my boyfriend ask me out. I was happy and stuff. I also told my mom and my friend and they were happy for me.
  • car crash ''/

    . When my uncle got a new car. He got a new car because the other got crashed by this guy who took the car without asking . he crashed the car because he was drunk. So my uncle got a new car.
  • Period: to


  • skin starts to become wrinkled

  • aging begins

  • agings becomes more noticable and rogresses rapidly