Development of the child birth through year 1 RMS

  • physical development

    Bowel Movements
    Bodily functions
  • Period: to

    Birth 0-1 months

  • Motor Skills

    Reflexes such at jumping at noises
    Eyes start to learn to focus
  • Social Development

    Seeing parents
    Seeing lots of family
    Being exposed to social places
  • Emotional Development

    Crying to get what he/she wants
    Exposed to new feeling
    Express what they want through sounds and facial expressions
  • Intellectual Development

    Promote brain growth everytime you interact positivily with your baby
    New colors and sensations help the brain develop
  • Sencory Development

  • Language Development

    Listening and absoring the basic and distinct sounds of language
    Starts to form the infant speeking ability
  • Physical Development

    Weight gain
    Hair growth
    Height growth
  • Period: to

    1-2 month

  • Motor Skills

    Holding rattle
    watching hands and feet move
  • Social Development

    Mostly consits of crying
    recoginze your face and voice in response to them
    slight coos
  • Emotional Development

    More familer with surrounding
    Less skidshness
  • Intellectual Development

    More sleep
    Brain is starting to develop more each day
  • Sensory Development

    Starts to tell the diffenece between colors
    Getting use to the tecture of things
  • Language Development

    Listening to LAnguage
    Starts to tell the mothers voices from others
  • Physical Develpment

    Weight gain
    More aware of surroundings
  • Period: to


  • Social Devleopment

    Crying for over a hour a day
    Ohs and Ahs starting to be heard
  • Motor Skills

    Innate reflexes Starle refext fading or gone
    Neck stregnth improvement
    Support head and arms when laying on the stomach
  • Emotional Development

    Stops crying when you walk in the room
    Smile and may laugh out loud at you
    knows difference between parents and strangers
  • Intellectual Development

    Vision inprovent
    enjoys eyecontact
  • Sensory Development

    Turn and smile at voices of parents
    Enjoys eyecontact
    Listening to music
  • Language Development

  • Physical Development

    Head control
    Reaching for objects
    ollowing objects with their eyes
  • Period: to


  • Motor Skills

    Roll over
    reach for objects
    Reach for prople
  • Social Development

    Lauhghs hard when tickled
    Greets caregiver
    Starts social gestures
  • Emotional Development

    Enjoys social interaction
    Babbles and coos
    Responds to peekaboo games
  • Intellectual Development

    Explores objects with mouth
    Recognizes bottle or breast
    Reacts to sound of voices
  • Sensory Development

    tells colors apart
    can see more that ft infront of them
  • Language Development

    Coppies noises and gestures
    Coos and laughs
    Plays with different sounds
  • Physical Development

    Sits with suport
    wiggkes and kicks with legs and arms
    rolls over
  • Period: to


  • Motor Skill development

    Turns toward familar voices
    Hold things with two hands
  • Social Development

    Cries to express pain
    loves to be held and touched
  • Emotional

    Pushes away disliked actions
    Cries to express feelings
  • Intellectual Development

    Turns towards bright colors and light\
    Firmly grasps objects
  • Sensory Development

    Begins to develop depth preception
    Begins to grasp objects
    Turns towards loud sounds
  • Language Development

    Asks for stuff by pointing
    Starts to say a few words clearly
  • Physical Development

    Gaining weight
    sit on its own
  • Period: to


  • Motor Skills

    Roll over
    Turn head steadily
  • Social Development

    mimics facial expressions
    May be shy or affraid of people
  • Emotional Development

    Responds to name
    Responds to own name
  • Intellectual Development

    Recognizes apperence
    recognizes Sounds
  • Sensory Development

    Better at tracking objects
    Develops giggling
  • Languae Development

    Recognizes name
    imitates sounds
  • Physical Development

    Sits with support
    Rolls over
  • Period: to


  • Emotional Development

    During these months, your child sometimes may seem like two separate babies. First there’s the one who’s open, affectionate, and outgoing with you. But then there’s another who’s anxious, clinging, and easily frightened around unfamiliar people or object
  • social development

    Responds to name
    Shows fear of falling from heights
  • Emotional Development

    Anxiety around strangers
    Comfortable people gets skittish around
  • Intellectual Development

    Cries for discomfort
    Enjoys to drop objects over the edge of highchair
  • Sensory Development

    turns toward loud sounds
    sit up with minimal support
  • Language Development

    Coppies sounds
  • Physical Development

    first teeth begin to appear
    drools, mouths and chews on objects
    needs at least 3-4 feedings per day
    reaches for cup or spoon when being fed
  • Period: to


  • Motor Skills

    Focuses on black and white patterns
    Sit up without help
  • Emotional Development

    Responds differently to stranges and family members
    Recognizes family members names
  • Social Development

    mimicing words of others
    Smiling at familier faces (when i wasn't balling or screaming) dad)
  • Intellectual Development

    cries in different ways to say he is hurt, wet, hungry, or lonely
    makes noises to voice displeasure or satisfaction
    recognise and looks for familiar voices and sounds
    learns by using senses like smell, taste, touch, sight, hearing
  • Language Development

    ask for something by pointing, or by looking at a person then at something he wants
    say a few words with a clear meaning, such as ‘mama’ or ‘dada’ to refer to mum or dad, at around 12-14 months.
  • Sensory Development

    his attention is more focused on objects that are close by, his vision is strong enough to recognize people and objects across the room. His eyes are probably close to their final color, though you may see subtle changes later.
  • Physical Development

    drinks from a cup with help
    enjoys some finely-chopped solid foods
    closes mouth firmly or turns head when no longer hungry
    may sleep 11-13 hours at night although this varies greatly
  • Period: to


  • Motor Skills

    Eat crackers by themsekves
    Start to crawl
  • Social Development

    Anxiety around strangers is usually one of the first emotional milestones your baby will reach. You may think something is wrong when this child of yours who, at the age of three months, interacted calmly with people she didn’t know is now beginning to tense up when strangers come too close
  • Emotional Development

    responds to distress of others by showing distress or crying
    shows mild to severe anxiety at separation from parent
  • Intellectual Development

    searches for toys hidden under a blanket, basket, or container
    explores objects by touching, shaking, banging, and mouthing
    babbles expressively as if talking
  • Language Development

    imitates adult actions such as drinking from a cup, talking on phone
    responds to name
  • Sensory Development

    At the same time, they are developing more control over their hands and fingers and may be able to grab small objects with a forefinger and thumb.
  • Physical Development

    rolls from back to stomach and stomach to back
    sits alone without support and holds head erect
    raises up on arms and knees into crawling position; rocks back and forth, but may not move forward
  • Period: to


  • Motor Skills

    Pick up cereal
    Play with hands and feet
  • Social Development

    Social anxiety
    affraid of seperation from mother
  • Emotional Development

    Remember that her tears will subside within minutes of your departure. Her outbursts are for your benefit, to persuade you to stay. With you out of sight, she’ll soon turn her attention to the person staying with her.
  • Intellectual Development

    says first word
    says da-da and ma-ma or equivalent
    "dances" or bounces to music
  • Language Development

    say ‘mama’ or ‘dada’ around nine months, although he might not know what these mean yet
    communicate with purpose, mainly to request, insist, refuse, reject or greet someone
  • Sensory Development

    They are begining to explore texctures. This mean that anything in reach will more than likely go in their mouth.
  • Physical Development

    uses finger and thumb to pick up an object
    transfers objects from one hand to the other
    hair growth begins to cover head
  • Period: to


  • Motor Skills

    Begins steps towards walking alone
    Crawl upstairs
  • Emotional Development

    Seperation anexiety is subsiding
    Baby is having an easier time being seperated from parents
  • Social Development

    Selfishness starting to develop with sharing toys, blanket ect.
    Personality starting to show
  • Intellectual Development

    interested in picture books
    pays attention to conversations
  • Language Development

    says first word
    says da-da and ma-ma or equivalent
  • Sensory Development

    Brain continuing to grow
    begining to have more and more controll over body each day
  • Motor skills

    Hold two toys at the same time; maybe hit them together
    Walk if one or both hands are held
    Pull self up to stand and move while holding on to furniture (cruising)
    Start drinking from a plastic drinking cup instead of a bottle
  • Physical Development

    some babies will stop taking a morning nap; others will continue both morning and afternoon naps
    begins to refuse bottle or weans self from breast during day
    needs 3 meals a day with 2 snacks in between
    enjoys drinking from a cup
    begins to eat finger foods
    continues to explore everything by mouth
    enjoys opening and closing cabinet doors
    crawls well
    pulls self to a standing position
    stands alone holding onto furniture for support
    walks holding onto furniture or with adult help
  • Period: to


  • Emotional Development

    Screaming for discomfort
    Blanket attachment (mom said that)
  • Social Development

    imitates adult actions such as drinking from a cup, talking on phone
    responds to name
    likes to watch self in mirror
    expresses fear or anxiety toward strangers
    wants caregiver or parent to be in constant sight
    offers toys or objects to others but expects them to be returned
    may become attached to a favourite toy or blanket
    pushes away something he does not want
  • Intellectual Development

    claps hands, waves bye, if prompted
    likes to place objects inside one another
  • Language Development

    ask for something by pointing, or by looking at a person then at something he wants
    say a few words with a clear meaning, such as ‘mama’ or ‘dada’ to refer to mum or dad, at around 12-14 months.
  • Sensory development

    Exploring the 5 senses