decomposition dig

By 5nabors
  • problem

    what are decompostion rates of different idems
  • hypothesis

    i belive that the apple will decompose more then the uther eight items.i think the apple will decompose 85%,the newspaper 50%,the foil not at all,chip bag not at all,sun chip bag 30% styrofoam 20%
  • materials and equipmeant

    materials and equipmeant
    for this docmp dig project we use steaks to label where they where at,hammers to put the staek in the ground,casution tape to suround the seen, apples,newspaper,foil,chip bag,sunchip bag,styrofoam cup,cotton,and orang to but in the ground shuvels to dig and thats it
  • prosegers

    first we had to get all of our meterals.then we went out side and used the shovle to dig 8 to 10 in deep. next we placed the items in the hole. last but not leats we put the dirt back in the hole and patted it down,then we where done
  • weather

    this week is going to be a little cloudy but mostly hot in the 60s-70s
  • styrofoam

    did you no more then 25 trillion styrofoam cups are thrown away every year
  • weather

    this upcoming week is going to be hot its going to start out in the 40s then it will get up into the 60s
  • aluminum

    did you no you can reuse aluminum foil by washing
  • weather

    this upcming week is going to be sunny for the most part then it is going to drop to the 60s-20s with maybe a little rain
  • cotton

    you can reuse cotton by making quilts or useing them in projects
  • he new reuse able sun chip bag

    he new reuse able sun chip bag
    this sun chip bag is able to decompose with in a certen amoutn of time to where they are not just left any where
  • weather

    this week has been n the low 40s to the low 90s with a little rain
  • weather

    this week was Hi 61°F

    Lo 46°F it has not been worm at all
  • regular sun chip bag

    regular sun chip bag
    Most chip bags are made of plastic. Plastic does not decompose; it breaks down into smaller forms of plastic until it essentially becomes plastic dust. This process takes many hundreds of years.
  • weather

    low humidity 48 degrees 27 mph wind.
  • apple

    3 exact weeks Food decomposes under ground it has to be moist Rain water helps food decompose
  • paper

    Paper in a warm moist landfill will decompose in 2 or 3 week
  • weather

    62 degrees 22 mph wind speed.
  • orange

    it takes about 6 to 4 months to decompose
  • weather

    this weeks weather is going to start out cold in the 50s to 60 about then it will raise up into the 70s or 80s later on it the week with a chance of rain during the week
  • weather

    Partly Cloudy 80 degrease
  • styrofoam

    is used for building materials like pipe insulation prevents soil problems you can reduce by using plastic bottles or someother recycled material
  • foil

    today we dug up aall 8 items and the foil did not decompose at all
  • apple

    to day we dug up the apple and it decomposed about 85% over these 8 weeks
  • paper

    the paper that was in the ground for 8 weeks decomosed about 10%
  • cotton

    the cotton was dug up today from being under the ground for 8 weeks and it did not decopose at all
  • styrofoam

    the styrofoam was under the ground for 8 weeks and it did decompose just a little bit about 5 to 10%
  • new sun chip bag

    new sun chip bag
    the new biodegratable chip bag was under the ground for 8 weeks and it decomposed about 10%
  • orange

    the oragge was dug up today and for being under the ground for 8 weeks it has decomposed about 80%
  • reg chip bag

    reg chip bag
    this reg chip bag has been under the ground for 8 weeks and did not decompose at all